P: Fool's Day T:Angry/Content

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Intro: My girl has her BFF pissing me off. I would love to sing this to her one day.

Tone: Angry/Content

Fool's Day

Today is a fools day

And foolish I am

I feel so headstrong

It's amazin'

How stubborn I feel

Today with an attitude

Should I give her a chance?

Well fuck

Hell no

I argue with you today

Girly you have no say

You hurt my girl

And my friends along the way

Bitch I can't believe you

Why do you face me this way

"Why am I mean to you?"


It's just because you're the exact same way

One of the golden rules

Is treat others as you want to be treated


You're worthless

I see it your eyes

I'm the only one to take the time

To stand up to you and talk down

I see the tears behind the anger

I see the frustration



It makes me smile

I shouldn't be talkin' like this

But you're one of the the few

That I just can't forgive

My girl said I should give you a chance

I told her that I loved her

But just because she lets you insult her

Why am I going to give in?

My best friend stood up for me

I saw the anger in her eyes

I knew at that moment that I should do something

Before she does something out of my mind


I can't stand you

And others cant too

You're so damn pathetic

I can't believe you

You just want all the attention

You want competition

But not everyone wants to fight

And now here I am...

I'm here with my hands up

And I'm standin' my ground


Don't you even think that I would slip up

I may be a man

And the rule may be to never hit a woman

But if it's a girl like you

I wouldn't consider you

Because you're like trash

Today's a fool day

And I'll take it to the advantage

Because I like being a fool

But only on fools day

Today's a fool day


You're a fool

Don't think for one second

That you've fooled me for good

Today's a fool's day

Oh yea a fool's

I'm a fool on fool's day


Today is fool's day

Conclusion: Today I pushed Jean's BFF's feelings over. She's a bitch 70% of the time she admits but she's not like that 30% of the time. I'm around her 70% of the time so I told her that to her face. She has never had someone tell her straight how people feel about her. No one dares to tell her the truth about how she pisses people off. So, since no one tells her anything she keeps pushing. I've had it. I've known her before being with Jean and she has annoyed me before. I pushed it to the side and didn't think about. Now.... Now that I'm around her a lot more and Jean can't seem to go anywhere without her she keeps pushing my buttons because she thinks it's funny. It's not. I told her that too. I made her cry today. She cried out of frustration of course. I held back a laugh because I could hear the tears in her voice when she was talking to Jean about girl things. I don't know if Jean picked it up (I'm sure she did because they're best friends) but holy shit I almost busted out laughing. *sigh* this girl. I can't believe I have to be by her more. Jean refuses to leave her anywhere. I'm just like... She can take care of herself. Just leave her be. "Oh but she's going to get mad at me for not taking her!" Uh newsflash girlfriend? Boyfriend and girlfriend time not boyfriend and girlfriend and bitch time? Yea. No. *sigh* I'm trying to get her to spend time with either her or me. It's the only huge problem we have. I can't stand being by her BFF and her BFF can't stand being by me. She wants us to hang out but it just doesn't work because her BFF treats her like shit, she treats my friends like shit, and last but not least she treats ME like shit. Why the hell would I want to be around her? if she's going that?! She insulted me with something Skyler normally says. I didn't think twice about it but Skyler stood up and threaten Jean's BFF. "Don't you talk shit to my best friend. I hear another word from you and I don't care if you're my Best friend's girlfriend's BFF. You'll be out of here." And then in a quiet voice she mumbles, "Only I can insult Jay like that. Don't you dare think you can get away with it." At that time I was happy but then I thought about it and contemplated whether I should be somewhat insulted since she does it all the time or just happy that she shut Jean's BFF up for the day. I went with the second option.

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