Character Log

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Now I know that there’s one on the side that you can fill out but I’d like to add some information about each character. Besides, there’s different characters and I’ll add them as the story goes.

Louki – Freshman Buddie. (2011) Still is my freshman buddie but now he’s a sophomore. This guy is a true friend.

Aunt Aida – Died back 2006-2007 my idol and person who basically raised me. Changed my life.

Costello – Band Director for 5 years, second mom. Strict. Basically a second mom. Or an even closer mom than my own.

Davis – Band Director. Awesome guy that I look up to because he’s understanding and strict. He became a director my freshman year I believe and now is moving to the junior high school to help them learn.

Ali – Girl who went out with a best friend of mine. She’s trustworthy and understanding. Met her in Middle School. I didn’t like her at first but then I learned who she was. I’ve become a lot closer to her. Her smile is one of the best because usually she’s mad.

Vas – Guy who drives me nuts. Is ‘smart’ but abuses his way of thinking so much. Gone to school with him since elementary. Old best friend. Played Trombone with me. I tried my best to withstand him. He insults me in any way that he can but I push it to the side because I know he has nothing better to do.

Mom – Over the years I’ve come closer to her. I haven’t gotten along with her ever but ever since this summer (2012) I’ve become closer because of the situation in the family.

Dad – Used to be idol. Right now I can’t stand him. He doesn’t take anything seriously and has really messed with my summer. Twisting it up and out. You’ll understand it you read the background story.

Raph – My twin’s ex. I thought he was cool but when they broke up he seemed to despise me too.

Thomas introduced as Junior Trumpet (Sophomore buddie) – Mentioned in second entry. Lead trumpet player who gets tied up in relationships. I can’t hang out with him for too long because then we become so close that he wants to pass a certain line and I back off after that. I can only stand so much of him you know?

Monroe introduced as peer trumpet player in the second entry - It took us a long time to get to know each other or stand each other. He liked proving me wrong but when I started proving him wrong he started to get offended. It got to the point where both of us were proving each other wrong to where we were arguing just because and that was the climax. Since then he’s always looked forward to telling me what happens in his life. I like listening even though I didn’t as him to tell me. He’s a cool guy when you learn how to stand him.

Mrs.M Sophomore Ap History Teacher. Later my pre-ap teacher – Sophomore year she was the greatest. I’m probably not going to leave her alone. She’s awesome. I like her and she was very understanding especially when it came to sickness. I learned a lot from her.

Sebastian introduced as Vavle trombone player in the second entery. Best friend - Is normally a Baritone player. Been friends since elementary. I tell him everything. When I can. We trust each other. He’s like the brother I never had.

Rick introduced as pansy – graduated now. At the time of the second entry he was a senior. He’s gay and such a mess. I care for him and all but I can’t stand him at the same time.

Anna – girl from church also a person who goes to my school. I call her my Chaos Buddy because we were similar at one point but then I walked off I guess?

Rye – only other guy in my Sunday school class for a while. He moved to Kansas. He was someone I looked up to. He knew everything about the bible. But he didn’t really know much about life.

Lily – Ex girlfriend. There’s no more to say than that.

Aunt Marry (mentioned in chapter 75) alcohol who drives me up the wall. I lived with her for a while and ugh

Uncle Ray (husband of Aunt Marry) – He’s cool. He actually cares about how I feel about situations.

Uncle Bo (Best Man of Uncle Ray) Don’t know him very well. Can’t say much about him

Mr. Junior Drum Major – (Now Senior Drum Major) Jake – Trumpet player. I used to be really good friends with him but I haven’t been able to talk to him and he’s only become farther from me.

Amoi – Niece who has amazing art skills. An ex trombone player. She had to quite because of her health. Oldest of three.

Kianna – Neice. Middle sister of Amoi. Smart. Social awkward but cool.

Mimi – Youngest of Amoi’s sisters. Still young. Don’t do much to hang around her. It’s kind of hard since she’s at the point of where we would baby sit her rather than hang out.

Uncle Juno – Hot head. Lives in the Philippines.

Nephew Daniel – My true nephew, my sister’s son. Love him to death. He’s a big fella though. He’s turning three this year and wear five year old clothes!

Oldest Sister Kimmy – I live with her. I turn to her for almost evything

Twin - My twin sister. Me and her are best friends. We’re very similar but completely different. I love her with all my heart.

Brother in law Hayden – Awesome guy. He’s basically known me all my life so it’s like we were brother’s from the start.

Naomi – girl I have a crush on.

Skyler - This is the girl that I'd give my life for. I never understood how I felt about her. I trust her with all my heart but I would never be her lover. Actually, I don't know. I say that but I don't know. i just don't. The way I feel about her. I don't consider her a sister. It's more. But it's so much care that i would never imagine myself with her in that way. I hope someone understand this. She's my best friend by far next to Sebastian.

Christopher - A good friend of mine. Plays games a lot but is someone I care for dearly. He's always up for a question whether it be random or actually important.

I'll be adding people along the but those are the people from the first poetry book. I may mention them all I may not but jjust in case I do there's some information on them.

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