P: Change? T: Thoughtful

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Date: 3/30/2013

Intro: Me and Lily were texting and ran out of subjects to talk about so I asked her for her favorite color and then said scratch that. What's my favorite color? She said she didn't know and I replied with I thought she did know. Her response was that she hasn't talked to me bout serious things in forever. She doubted that it was the same. My favorite color has yet to change. It's silver. (Last time I checked) her favorite colors were Black and Red.


Why would I change

Even after the years that ewe've been a part

Did you know that my heart has changed

This is bad

You'll hate me if you see this

So don't open this


Why would I change

When my heart likes skipping beats

Yes, I'm going out with someone else

But why would my love for you change?

Why would I throw our friendship away

When you did nothing wrong

I was just afraid

So answer me

Why would I change

My compassion for you?

Why am I still here

I hate always talking to you in a serious tone

But I enjoy those talks

The distance between us

Is meant to stay

That's what I hate

Knowing that it's meant to be this way

The friend with the restriction of a mile away

Is the friend that I wish would be closer

Why would I change

On purpose you say

Because I like the way I am

"You don't say"

Conclusion: I didn't get her favorite colors right. I'mm playing a guessing game right now...

Aftermath: They're Blue, Green, Grey, Brown. (Nothing bright basically) is what she said.

Haha she's so funny some times.

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