E: Three Accomplishments For Today T: Happy

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Time: 11pm

Date: 4.3.2013

Tone: Happy

Intro: I just finished going through 11 of my 33 emails and 3 of my 11 wattpad messages.

The messages will grow. I'm not going to complain because they're to help me and I'm really happy to hear what everyone has to say. Although, I can only have so much writing thought in the editing section of my attention span before I completely lose interest.

Editing poems is difficult. I'm sighing because this is the first book that I'm working on and after this I have another have another to work on. And after that... Hahaha... Yes. There is a third. I'm really happy about these poems and entries and their critiques. It's just so amusing! I can't believe some of the mistakes that I have made in these poems and their conclusions. Now, I have to remind myself to write a conclusion. I'm laughing so hard right now.

I figured out something. The earlier I write something in my poetry book the more redundant and extraneous I am. I probably do that now but I'll see once I get there. I'm hoping that I don't do that as much. When I write now I don't believe I do because I'm not laughing as much but I could be doing it.

This editing process is driving me up the wall. Some things I can take. Others? "Why in the world did I do that?" Is the thought that comes up in my head. The earliest poem in the first book is from 2008. The next year after that should be 2010 because that was when I entered High school. Although, I still make such stupid mistakes. I can't wait to get this over with. I don't want to get the second book done just yet but considering this is the 89th part I think I'll be done with this book in a week! I haven't typed up some of my poems and my life's in a spin. I have so much I want to tell you but I guess I'll leave that for another day considering that it's 11:15...

No. I will go on. I have to tell you my three accomplishments. My twin does these because it reminds her why she can be happy. Alright let me number them.

1. I invited Naomi to paintball

2. I accomplished some editing (at least i got somewhere)

3. I ate my with niece today.

I'll start with the third accomplishment because I want to be weird. I haven't hung out in my niece in a while. She's a big inspiration in my life. She's turning 19 this year. Can you believe that?! I'm laughing because I can since she's older and my niece. Funny huh? She took me to Taco Bell and I rebelled against my allergies to eat two steak quesadillas. Of course, I regretted it by gaging a couple of times, followed by some sinus problems, and then finally a headache that I still have but I don't mind. I don't rebel often you see. The condition of my lactose intake is getting worse whether I eat any of it or not so sometimes do it just to see how bad I am. (Yes, I know. What am I think? Well, simple. I'm not)

I talked with Lily yesterday as you should know and I told my niece about it. She freaked because she had a dream about a couple who were breaking up and basically talking to each other like Lily and I did. I'd talk about Lily but I have save that for later.

I hung out with my niece afterwards and went shopping with her. I venture to the section of Walmart that I am so used to venturing into that I don't think twice about it. I blame this on Skyler, Twin, my niece, and many other girls who have dragged me along with their shopping for personal items. That's right. I went to that section. I was zoned for a moment and then the next moment this guy is standing next to me and we the most shot and manly conversation I have had today.

Him: "Eh-hm."

Me: "Sir?" (Staring at the merchandise in front of me without a second thought. Actually, no thought. I'm just staring.)

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