E: anxious and importance

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January 28, 2013

Solo and ensemble concert is tomorrow. I'm up for it I guess. I'll need to grab my music and mouth piece at the house. It's this weekend. I'm not much in the mood to talk the week. I think I like the silence sometimes. My voice is actually starting to annoy me. It's like I'm talking and then... Um wait, my voice is annoying why am I talking? That's how I feel today anyway. I kind of just don't want to talk to anyone. Skyler, Laoki, Matrina, Von, and yea... I talked to boss and Drew. I didn't really talk to anyone other than that. Well, there's one more person. I talked to Naomi. I feel bad though. I mean I have her in two classes so I get more than one chance to ask her for a hug. The first time I s going to ask I didn't have enough will power to chase after her. The second time we had a fire drill and I she popped out of no where. I told her something and then she was about to get a drink and I asked her for a hug. I Haven't talked to her in a while and that's why I never realized how I hug her. Today I got a side hug from her and when I left the hug I kind of tore myself away from her. It was.. I didn't realize it until I walked off completely but it was a Brett's jerk move but I don't do it intentionally. I never realized how serious she takes the hug that she gives me. It made me feel important kind of.

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