E: Publishing Insecurities

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There are some things that I wish I could keep secret. There are other things that I wish I could scream out. Opinion doesn't matter any more. The older I get the more bias structure I see. It annoys me. The truth becomes a root of a lie and lies seems to be what attract people more than anything. Creativity is a useless factor in life now-a-days. Authority is abused. Yet, if the person is telling the truth and you have no authority you are lying. Let us all lie to each other's faces. Let us spit on the ground and prove we are worthy. I shall not lie. I have lied to people's face and they believe me. I have lied to teachers to save a friend because I am the innocent one and the teacher believes me. I have a way with words. I know how to lie. I choose not to. I lie to create a story. I alter. That's a better word. Although, when it all comes down to it I will tell the truth. What is the meaning of thinking up a lie to save yourself? In the end you will lose anyway. There is no way to be truthful and to fit in. I don't lie to myself and that's what makes me who I am. I am proud. I am proud to tell the truth. Even though people still effect my opinion. I will give it my all to never fall into age's darkness. The darkness of being Bias.

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