Chapter Thirty-Nine: Asking Questions

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Word Count: 5256

(A/N: At the end of this chapter, I decided to put the Character Profile/Analsys of four important non-MHA characters. It's going to be L/N Y/N (You, but basics), Y/N's parents and lastly, Aunt Yori. These statistics are also only for their occupation, not overall life. Enjoy!!)

It was finally last period. Hero Basics.

Mr Aizawa had mentioned how this summer, our focus is to get our Hero Licenses. This meant that we would be able to actually do hero stuff.

Dad once mentioned how one of his sidekicks, the Sound Hashira, had made a mistake when he was just interning with Cessation Agency. Apparently, he had injured the villain so bad that they were unable to answer any questions asked by the police. It had caused them to go nowhere with their investigation. Dad had to take the fall for it, but he didn't mind. He had to teach them how to handle things better.

Once we get our Hero Licenses, there won't be any to take the fall for us. Only ourselves. 

We must face our own consequences. 

Only 50% of students actually pass the test. So in order to prepare, we needed to come up with two ultimate moves.

Mr Aizawa introduced Cementoss, Ectoplasm and Midnight to assist us with this.

We needed moves that would assure victory in a unique and powerful way. This needed to be our representation. 

Every knows Dad's move; 'Termination'. This meant that he closes off the uses to all parts of the body, even breathing. It was caused by his overloading his Quirk into the opponent so it spreads throughout their body quickly. It happens in under 30 seconds.

I believe that's where my drawback comes from. The fact that I lose my sense of touch after overusing my quirk. Weird how Dad's strength is my weakness.

His ultimate move was deathly, but Dad's had to use to quite a bit. Especially now, considering the rise in crime rates around his agency. 

"Y/N, you spacing out?" Kirishima says, nudging my shoulders. We were walking towards Gym Gamma like instructed.

"Uh, yeah, yeah." I retort, waving my hand at him, "I'm just trying to think of how my ultimate move would work. And two of them, at that."

Sero holds his chin as he looks up. "Yeah, true. I think that'd be especially hard for you to narrow it down, considering your Quirk." He states, making me nod my head in agreement, "Your Quirk has such variety in what it can do."

Jirou adds on, "You can manipulate the form and state of anything. It's practically the power of a God."

I chuckle, shrugging my shoulders as I look down at my hands, "I suppose. God's can create, reconstruct and destroy." 

Mina hums out, playing with the fur on her jacket, "I'd say you'd be in the top five if it weren't for Todoroki's amazing powers! Oh! And Momo and Iida's intelligence!"

Kaminari gasps, pressing a fist to an open palm, "Who would win in a fight? Y/N or Iida?"

"Hm..." Kirishima huffs, looking up to the sky as he thinks, "My bet is on Y/N. She's a quick-thinker and efficient, and she can put battle plans into action pretty well under pressure."

They begin to theorise the whole hypothetical question. I hear them talk about my Quirk and how it would win against Iida, although he is stronger and faster than me. 

I widen my eyes and feel a surge of power go through me.

"Oh fuck no." Katsuki scowls, knocking his fist gently against my head, "You ain't forming a superiority complex now, you loser."

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