Chapter Thirty-One: Warm

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Word Count: 4141

"You doing okay, Kitten?" Hitoshi asks me over the phone. He's at home since the General Studies Course doesn't have camp at the moment, like the Heroes Course does.

I'm changing into different clothes after taking a shower, Hitoshi on speaker. Tonight, we're making curry and I'm kind of excited for the special treat the Pussycats have for us after dinner. Hopefully everything would be fine.

"I'm fine, but I feel kind of sore." I admit to him, rubbing my shoulders in an attempt to release the tension, "We're cooking tonight again, so I'll try and get it finished quicker. I got to talk to Kendo and Kodai from Class B. They're pretty nice and friendly."

Hitoshi sighs out, moving something around the pan he was using right now, "Glad to know that you're replacing me, Kitten."

"Oh, shush, 'Toshi." I chuckle, pulling my shirt over my bra. The rest of the girls are out showering or getting the things ready for dinner. "You've stuck with me for forever. I can't replace you."

He goes quiet for a second before he says, "Yeah, that's right. You can't replace me."

I huff, glancing back at my phone, "Your confidence will get you in trouble, Hitoshi."

He chuckles back at me, probably smirking at the wall like he does when he teases me, "Oh, trust me, I won't get in nearly as much trouble as you will in UA."

I roll my eyes at him before grabbing my shorts. It was pretty hot outside since it was summer. It'll probably get colder after we take our showers and go to bed.

He suddenly hums out, the chair creaking as he moves around, "Oh, oh wait. Y/N, Chobi wants to say 'hi'."

"Oh!" I gasp, grabbing the phone and holding the speaker to my mouth, "Chobi! Little boy, Chobi! How are you?"

Hitoshi chuckles, sending me a photo of his adorable cat, "Go on, Chobi. Tell your mother you said 'hi'."

I squeal as Chobi meows at me, "Aww, I love you too, Chobi baby!"

Hitoshi only sighs out loudly, and I hear Chobi jog away, "Wow, he hears you say that more than I do."

I retort, brushing the back of my neck, "That's because your love language is Acts of Service."

We've been keeping in contact ever since camp started. He told me to text him on the way there, but since Bakugou and I fell asleep, I missed out. I called him before slept yesterday and the day before that. Just like we do at school if we haven't talked in between classes, or if we didn't catch the train home together.

I hear him go on, rolling his chair around the room busily "Anyway, how's that thing with Bakugou going?"

I stop my movements.

"What?" I mumble out to him, staring at the contact photo of Hitoshi. It was him and I in the mirror that had cat whiskers and ears drawn on it, and we had lined our faces into it. That was last year. "What are you talking about?"

'Toshi laughs at me for a moment before he shuffles around and states, "You're not as stupid as you let yourself off to be, Y/N."

I squint at the photo of us, as if it held some secret meaning. I hum, "Uh... thanks? But what are you going on about?"

"You have a crush on Bakugou, right?" My best friend asks me, working on homework like he said he was, "So, how are things between the two of you? Any progress?"

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