Chapter Forty-Eight: The Third Secret

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Word Count: 8604

"You call me when your aunt arrives at the house, got it?" Dad tells me over the phone as I look out the window of the car. The trees pass me, and beyond them I spot the scene of water on the beach and sunshine. "Be careful when looking around. And do not - I repeat, do not - enter the weapons locker unless your aunt tells you so. Understand?"

"There's a weapons locker?" I mumble out, holding my carry-on bag beside me. He lets out a sigh. "No, I understand, Dad. It's only a month trip, I'll be fine. Aunt Yori said that she would be there in an hour. Meanwhile, I'll find the training grounds or something." Dad seemed to be concerned, more than I would've expected. It was a little vacation for me to visit Aunt Yori's private beach, and have her help me with my powers. "Are you two going to be okay?"

Dad scoffs, as if offended by my question, "Kiddo, I'm a Pro Hero, in case you forgot. And your mother deals with tiny gremlin people with drums and guitars for a living." His tone was a matter-of-fact, which made me smile. "I think we can handle a month of spring without our preteen daughter."

I roll my eyes at him. He was nervous about me turning 13-years-old next year, but he's worried every year I grow up. Something about his youth becoming old like he was.

The car drives through the gates of the beach house. It was impressive, Aunt Yori had good taste. "Ah, I'm here already. I'll call you later, yeah?" I hum, smile on my face. I was excited to get to use my Quirk. "I love you, and Mum."

"We love you too." He replies, tone now soft, "Ugh, it's like you cursed me. Obanai just walked in battered and bruised, and he doesn't look happy—oh, and there's Tomioka right behind him." I give a short laugh. All I knew about his sidekicks, as there were many, was that some of them fought amongst each other. "Obanai's about to kick him, have fun, Y/N."

We hang up, and I exit the car, thanking the driver that my dad had sent. She gave me a tip of her hat, unlocking the boot. I pull out my suitcase, setting it on the floor before looking towards the entrance. "Do you need any help, Miss L/N?" The driver kindly asks.

I go to shake my head when a hand lands on my head. I jump in my spot before I hear a familiar chuckle.

"It's okay, I can help her." Uncle tells the driver. He looks to me. "It's good to see you, Peaches."

"Hi, Uncle Kai." I mutter, waving 'goodbye' to the driver as she left. I hold my bag as he grabs my suitcase. "What're you doing here anyway? I thought you had job business in Shibuya?"

Uncle looks to the door, unlocking it with his key before huffing out, "There was a little... incident." I furrow my brows, walking behind him. He waves his gloved hand, putting the keys in his pocket before fixing his black mask. "It's nothing. Yori told me that you were training with her this month, so I decided to drop by. With our powers, it would be easier to help."

He only ever used his powers twice in front of me. One time to fix my gloves after I destroyed them when I was younger and unknowing of my quirk. And the other way was when I was in Elementary School, walking me home when there was a nearby villain attack and he needed to protect me. I don't ever remember hearing about that villain again, or even what he looked like after Uncle was finished with him. 

He was powerful. And I was always amazed by him.

"I got you a present." He says, placing a plastic bag on the kitchen table. I blinked at it before peeking inside.

I chuckle, pulling out the carton, "Peaches and Cream cheescake." I place the slice on the table, along with another that I just knew was for him. "And Blueberry cheesecake for you."

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