Weight of the World.

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"I'm supposed to be Strong! I'm supposed to be Fearless! Dependable! Unbreakable! Perfect....so why can't I live up to your Expectations?... So why I'm I unable to handle the weight of the world? So why do I cower in front of my fears....disappear when you need me the most....shatter into thousands of pieces of glass by the slightest of touches....so why? Why? WHY CAN'T I LIVE UP TO THE EXPECTATIONS YOU SET FOR ME?!?! I'm supposed to be Strong, Fearless, Dependable, Unbreakable, PERFECT! I AM AMERICA!" I screamed out.

"....ha...America.....the wishful lie...... I caved underneath your eyes and feared your judgment....... Then I failed you when you need me the most...... shattering to dust at your voice....you were perfect, not me... You were the rock that gave me the strength to stand, the light in my dark tunnel, the reason I can smile through thousands of cuts to my soul, and body.... I wish I could have been as half as amazing as you were.... Canada..." I say holding his pitcher in my hands as I cry myself to sleep again like many times before.

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