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So hopefully y'all can realize by now that I have a lot of different interpretation of the Flags/Countyhumans all based off of different things now I haven't wrote every interpretation of the Flags as I call them into my short stories. Because most I play out though role-playing but I'm bored so I'm blasting though them.

So let's start off with how I play the world around them.

So there historically accurate(HA) to a fault. Like fully accurate. I don't do these very often as it's really difficult to do with currently existing Flags as well secrets and what not also since there still around there is no direct guarantee that changes in the modern world won't cause some issues with the work I made.

Next is the semi historically accurate(SHA) stuff. Like a bit of Alternate History but not really. I do these far more often as they just make more sense to me because if a Flag did exist then history would be altered in one way sape or from even if it isn't by much. I do this is both role-play and my writing far more frequently as I feel like I have a bit more wiggle room. (This kinda includes the pocket dimensions the Flags live in on accations)

Ok now prospective on how the Flags themselves act.

I have three versions of this that I've apply name. Gov Flag, Time Flag, and Will Flag.

Ok let's start off with the first one! Gov Flag, Government Flag, or GF. These Flag are the ones that strate up in body the government. I don't tend to do anything with this one out right and usually use it as more of a tact on personality feature. IE they aren't the inbodyment but they do agree with what there government is doing in most or just a handful of matters.

Next we have Time Flags or TF! These Flags tend to follow the cultural norm of that time period. IE if they were in say the 90's the Flags would follow the majority cultural norm of the country during the time period. I have played characters completely based on this idea and also used this idea as a tack on.

Next we have my personal favorite Will Flags or WF! These Flags have complet free will and aren't bound to any single trate, time, option, etc. There probably the most flexible Flag and used like most of the time and can jump between pretty much everything.

To use what my friends say is.. and unhealthy obsession for fucking with the Flag of my country we'll use America to demonstrate all of these! And for all of them we'll just use my other unhealthy history obsession the Cold War!

GF+HA= A extremely on edge paranoid America who sees everyone as a possible enemy and anyone who questions him is silence in anyway he can do it with out it linking to him. Be it ruining there reputation, black listing, black mail, imprisoning them or just killing them he will do everything to bring down what he deems as a communist threat and in some cases going so far as taking out the whole world if necessary.

TF+HA= He's less paranoid but still very on edge he takes more on a underhanded approach but is absolutely willing to put down anyone deemed a threat to his Freedom of Capitalism. He's far more active in the night life of his country behind his citizens back making some shady deals but over all when you only look at his surface he's quite the over energetic, loud, ass who's a bit to self-centered but overall kind if you're his ally.. If not.. good luck.

WF+HA= Ah he's completely all over the place. Pining down his true opinion is like trying to find the words smallest needle in the world's largest hay stack. It's almost completely impossible as he balances what he believes, with his people believe, and his government believes. He will say one this but turn around and say something completely different. I would say he's probably say out of all of them he's the most two faced be it out of fear or out of a belief that he must keep his opinion as balanced with all three things as possible. He'll get along great with the Flag Soviet in one moment and try to kill them the next.

Next we have SAH

GF+SHA= He's a slightly looser card then his GF+HA as the world could include magic and a pocket dimension the Flags come and go from. I also like to lean into conspiracy theorys with him where with HA I try to avoid them. But overall he's still a completely paranoid prick just with extra red strings, thumb tacts, and possibly magic.

TF+SHA= Ah now we move into those who have more fex, here he's normally plopped with spy for some unknown reason. But he's far better with his underhanded tactics as here be becomes quite the sliding scale as this one tends to lean more towards the next America.

WF+SHA= Ah my favorite overallaaaaaaa. This one is the one most of you read when it comes to my Characters these guys are the wild cards of wild cards.

Anyway yeah there u go.

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