Spy, Obsession, God!

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America was stressed out. The cold war was taking a, stupidity, large toll on him. He was spying on Soviet for years! He knew his whole life's schedule ruffly because of this! And now for the last month, he's been having fucking wet dreams about him!! It's not like Soviet has consumed enough of his life! He's now in his dreams! Fucking him! "Ugh.. At this rate, I'll go crazy.." He heard a voice from behind him. "You already have me memorized so well America that you can recreate me in your mind with terrifying accuracy. This is merely an evolution of that." The thick Russian voice said. "And I still thought I was bat shit crazy." Soviet walked over. "Then why don't you just stop?" America stood up and turned to face him. "I can't just STOP! The information I gathered has given me a huge upper hand!" Soviet smiled. "Then why not go further? It's not like you aren't developing a crush on me. I mean you have an excellent reason to stalk me like you weren't doing it already~"

America's breath hitched as if the real Soviet Union had whispered that into his ear. "Besides look at the room your standing in Reka~ You have photos with dates and descriptions in pen on the back of them~ You stole one of my jackets to 'see how many secret pockets I have' yet you wear it around the house oh sooo happily~ And don't lie to yourself this isn't the first wet dream about me you've had~" he chuckled and wrapped himself around the American. "I mean the fact that I'm doing this shows your truth Reka~ Because we both know I'm a creation of your mind and you're consciously letting me do this~ The fact your body is responding to me as if I'm real. Already shows you've lost it. Soo why not go all the way?~" America spoke up with a hushed moan. "Soviet~" It chuckled. "Yes?~" America breathed out and pulled away. "I'm fucking crazy... But I love you."

Months passed and America ramped up what he stole. Finally, truly, entering stalker territory by stealing a pair of Soviet's underwear. "There I have a full pair of your clothes!" He said with a smile on his face. "You're just hanging them their Reka?" America turned to look at Soviet. "What would you want me to do?" Soviet chuckled. "They're your prize Reka! Show them off! You know you could steal one of Britain's mannequins and put it on there." America smiled, "I could even paint it to look like you, that's genius!" Soviet chuckled. "Considering how well you can paint I bet it will look supper realistic down to each of my scars." America nodded and processed to get to work "Stealing the mannequin wasn't hard. What was hard was making sure all the propositions matched you perfectly!" America said, staring at the flawlessly recreated Soviet. "Now let's get you to our room~" America chuckled as he moved it upstairs. "One of these days I'll add electronics to you so you can talk and maybe even move... I could even add a fake but working cock~"

He let out a hum "Well sadly I have to leave to go to a stupid meeting.. But the upside is you'll be there~ Downside I'll have to act normal. Though I was already doing that most of my life sooo." He kissed the mannequin. "I do apologize for the things I'm going to have to say to you... Master~"

America arrived at the meeting and looked around. His Master was standing right over there with his little group. The American couldn't help but feel the jealousy flare up inside him. Just because he uses a different political system means that he has to sneak around! In the dark! And he has to make sure he's NEVER seen or he's going to be killed! And they could just walk up to Master like that and nothing happens!! He wanted to kill them for this... But that would make Master hate him... He would NEVER love him if he did that... But he could pull Master away to have a political conversation with him about the weapons. "Soviet Union," America said walking over with anger on his face, not to him but to those who cling on to Master with no issue. "What do you want? You Capitalist Pig?!" Yes, god! Master's insults make me soooo happy~. But what would be better than his insults would be Masters praise like all of them get. "We need to talk NOW." I hate raising my voice at Master.. I shouldn't even be allowed to.. But this is the only way Master will go. "Talk about what?." Master chuckled out.. I feel light-headed just hearing the Master's laugh even if it's directed at me. I hope Master gets physical with me~ I don't care if it hurts so much after.

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