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So I'm a fan of the SCP universe and the backrooms and this is the only SCP one I've done. Also its old.


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Special Containment Procedures:

Item#: SCP-2420 (The Third Reich)

Object Class: Explained Euclid

SCP-2420 Is to be guarded by fully armored guards due to his tendency of random bursts of extreme violence. No live weapons are to be permitted around SCP-2420; personnel instead are to use stun or tranquilizing equipment and must at all times keep them out of SCP-2420's viewing range. If this procedure is not followed, SCP-2420 will fly into an uncontrollable rage and try to eliminate anything that he deems a threat to himself. After he considers the threat to his safety eliminated he will proceed to use the newly acquired weapon as an asset in trying to escape confinement.

The humanoid SCP is to meet with a German psychologist once a week if he has exhibited no violent behavior within that week. SCP-2420 is to be kept chained when he is not in his containment cell which should be no larger than 132 square feet and is to contain all the amenities of an average apartment bedroom. Requests can be granted if it was deemed wise and non-lethal by both his psychologist and the researcher currently in charge of him. SCP-2420 is to be fed three times every day, though it does not seem necessary for him to eat. However, this procedure should still be done as it keeps him docile.

Special Containment Politics:

Only highly trained, fully armored guards of Germanic origin may ask him questions, as he is prone to decrease his violent tendencies around these people. No one originating from the countries that made up the Allies in WW2 and partly from WW1 can not be anywhere within earshot of his containment cell. He tries to convince some of the German guards to help him break out as he thinks that they are on the same side. Any guards who this request is asked of are to be relieved of duty immediately with a list of other guards. As he has spotted them out to be weak of mind and easy to manipulate to help him escape confinement, any recherch personnel are to strictly be German, though Japanese and Italian can be good substitutes for the guards.


SCP-2420 is a Male Humanoid SCP that appears to originate from the Germanic country of Germany and prefers the name Third. He manifested in the German country on the 24th of February, 1920. Taking on the appearance of a male his skin being the flag of the Third Reich or Nazi Germany on his face being the main symbol and the rest of his body being the red of the flag. He weighs approximately 110lbs. This is healthy for a 4'9 male, but this does not include the weight of his large black raven wings which, when completely stretched, are approximately 5'11 when compared to a standing human.

Why were his wings not included in the measurements? Because they weigh nothing it's like they have no physical weight yet are still capable of generating lift to allow him to fly. As well as his infinitely, regenerating, sharp shark-like teeth which have to be filled down because of his previously mentioned violent outbursts. If one of his teeth does manage to get knocked out, one will grow back in its place in around two days. Though he tends to knock them out himself to forcefully regrow them after they are filled down by personnel. 

When he was found and taken into custody SCP-2420 was wearing the dress uniform of Nazi Germany, with several metals, (though he seemed to be in great destress being in the uniform), and an Iron Cross on a necklace which he has described to be a family heirloom which indicates that more of his kind exist and can have families. Though he has stated that they are never born more manifested and they call people family just because they were former controllers of the land that you now control. 

He has a secondary which he calls a human form and in this form he resembles a young blonde 16 year old male who speaks with a Southern accented German. Do to apparently living in New Orleans, Louisiana for quite some time working as a newspaper boy.

 SCP-2420 can speak multiple languages though he tends to speak German, Japanese, Italian, and strangely English and Russian though he says that he speaks those for his work. SCP-2420 switches from being very talkative to becoming entirely quiet depending on the topics of the conversation, if a topic makes him uncomfortable he will vary the conversation to something he is comfortable talking about, stop talking altogether, or just abruptly bring up something completely unrelated to the subject.

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