Finlands Ten Codes of Ethics! AAU #7

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Hello, I'm Finland and I have a very interesting job compared to most flags. I'm a gun for hire be it as a bodyguard or to kill someone. So because of this, I get a lot of questions from my fellow flags about my moral compass... Yes, I have one and here I'm going to put it down so it's more easily extensible and I don't have to keep explaining it.

Rule one: I can not and will not kill another flag. Unless the flag had killed another flag.

The reasoning of rule one: I see all flags as my family, even the ones that most people hate, British Empire, so killing a flag is Fratricide to me and is something I will not do. Unless the flag you asked me to target had killed another flag then I have disowned you... Thankfully killing of another flag is extremely rare.

Rule two: I will not help with assisted suicide from depression. (No you can't pay me to help you do it either)

The reasoning of rule two: If you have money to pay me to help kill you, you have money to get psychiatric support... Every life means something, even those I take... If you don't have enough money for help... You soon will...

Rule three: (Yes I have to add this) NO you can't pay me to break any of my rules!!

The reasoning of rule three: One too many people asking if I can break my rules for them... I HAVE THEM FOR A REASON YOU FUCK HEADS!! (NO, I WILL NOT DO BUSINESS WITH YOU IF YOU ASK ME TO DO THIS!)

Rule four: No I will not do sexual acts on you when I'm your bodyguard.

The reasoning of rule four: I'm AroAce as well as the fact that my job is to keep you from dying not me pleasing you.

Rule five: No I will not do anything else you want me to do other than the contract I signed.

The reasoning of rule five: I'm not going to be yanked around just because I'm in your pocket at the moment. My job is either to protect you or kill someone for you. I don't stray out of those things which means no I will not go on a tea run for you (But coffee, I can slightly overlook as an addict myself, be extremely nice,) same with smuggling things no I will not do it.


The reasoning of rule six: It's a fucking job like everything else except it's one with a lot of death. I don't do that shit there is no backing out of the deal if you said you were going to pay me. YOU PAY ME! We made a deal if I do my end and you don't do yours well then... I'll have a new body to add to my count.

Rule seven: No you can't pay me more money to spare your life and try and get me to go after my employer.

The reasoning of rule seven: (This one may be confusing.) The reason I don't do this is that it's seen as extremely unprofessional and reputation is what gets you hired for the big jobs. As well as those who do it as I do IE it's our job. Tend to find those who do this to just be just sellouts and we honor our deals.

Rule eight: (This one is more a working rule) No I will not encroach on another guy's target if you have someone already on your payroll to kill a person I'm not taking the job. (Unless the job was advised to be more than a one-man job)

The reasoning for eight: You're either doing this to either babysit this dude or you found my price to be cheaper. If the first just because you messed up and hired the wrong guy isn't my fault, wait until he either gets his ass caught or you terminate the deal. If second no I'm not going to undercut a fellow worker damn it. You pay them what you said you'll pay them not this "OH I found someone else and they already killed them!!" NO that's just unprofessional! And I'm not just about to poke my head into another worker's life.

Rule nine: General stupidity rule.

The reasoning of rule nine: It's the general stupidity rule (We all have this one) if it's seen as stupid and I mean STUPID. I am not doing it.

Rule ten: No you can't pay me to tell you who my employer is. I'm not speaking.

The reasoning of rule ten: This one is for if you get caught by the cops or if your target thinks they can break rule seven but in a more cheeky way. Either way, if you do, do it.

Stay professional! If you say you can do something on your 'resume' you fucking better be able to do it! Being professional and unprofessional is the difference of if your fellow workers are likely to take up that bounty on you. Not the one placed on you by the cops but of employers, that you may have pissed off because trust me you're bound to piss off one, and the more of your fellow workers you make mad at you the more likely that bounty will be taken up.

Also, bounty hunters and guns for hire are two different jobs. Though the line does get blurred with the usage of the word bounty hunter so let me just say this. A bounty hunter is a person who pursues a criminal or fugitive for whom a reward is offered. So yes, some guns for hire do, do bounty hunting work but no bounty hunter does our line of work.

Yes, I do get hired by some governments. No, I will not tell you which ones I've worked for.

Yes, this could put me under many different names most like to use the term Mercenary as I do, do many different jobs. Which I mean you're not entirely wrong I just prefer hired gun or gun for hire as it's much more specific to what I am and what I normally do. (It's the role I fit best at)

Feel free to ask me more questions about my Ethics if you want and I'll tell you what rule it fits under as it may seem as if my rules are narrow but they're a bit wider than you may think.

No am not just AroAce because of my job I know the whole trope of the merk/ hired gun/ etc, not having a heart or whatever, and slowly falling for the target or the hired person is too afraid of having their relationships used against them<--- actually a thing I've come across. But no I'm not AroAce because of that either. I was born this way and can't change that. I do still form close relationships with people; it just never leaves the Friend/Family zone.

Just for fun, my favorite holiday is any holiday I can ignore. Just kidding, it's the day after Valentine's Day because of all of the half-off chocolates.

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