That one story. AAU #12

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America and NK where bored and American turned to look at Soviet who was talking with Finland who after a bit started laughing, "Glad you asked Sov! It's probably the funniest story I have. Sort answer Twins turned Triplett's. long answer!"

Ame and NK walked over to sit next to the other two to hear the story. "So I was hired by some drug boss of an area to get someone for them. But you see that we only had his last name Davis and a very small description. I'm out searching and find someone called Jackson Davis who looks pretty close to the description I was given. A dude ruffly 5'7, wearing the same clothes he was described in. Right he matches a few other things but not every detail is necessary."

Finland started chuckling a bit remembering the story and the other three extanged looks between each other, "So anyway I'm staking the dude and as days past, they wanted him alive, I'm starting to think this dude does not act like someone who owes money to the drug dealers. Like the dude is OUTSIDE walking around in broad daylight acting as if he has no care in the world! So I finally broke into his house while the dude was gone. Only to find out the dude had a twin! I've been staking the WRONG dude for a WEAK!! IT ONLY GETS BETTER FROM HERE!!!" Finland laughed more and made a grabbing motion, "So I grabbed one of the photo frames and took out the photo to look at the back of it, because parents love writing stuff on the back of these things, Only to find out his twin's name was also Jackson but with an X. So his name was Jaxson! IT GETS BETTER! Turns out the dude I was looking for fled the place altogether! And mind you it gets worse! So the one I was staking right then lived in Wyoming, Michigan as in the place in Michigan named Wyoming. Ok, we got that cool so his identical twin brother, the one I was looking for lived in Wyoming, Ohio! Like What the FUCK!"

Finland almost died of asphyxiation due to laughing so hard along with America, Soviet just sighed realized he's heard this story hundreds of times and NK just was waiting for the funny part, "And we're still not done!! When I got the guy and brought him to where I was told to bring him it was Wyoming, Delaware! And Turns out the drug dealer was his forgotten Triplett! Jakson! With A K! I swear to God my head was spinning the whole Fucking Time!"

Finland started to literally die of laughter his white flag was red because of both lack of air and laughing so fucking hard, Soviet stood up and walked off, America was laughing with him, and NK still really couldn't find what was funny. "I wanted to quit right there and then!" He started to calm down taking a lot of deep breaths so he wouldn't pass out, "I didn't but sadly I have never had a story so crazy as the Jackson Incident."

"Well good considering that story I just didn't find funny." NK said rolling his eyes and America just rolled his eyes and Fin just keep laughing.

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