Family Morning

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America was getting ready for the first day in years he could spend every second of it with his family. Getting ready for the days events starting with a day hike, then the movies, after a nice restaurant, then some personal alone time with his wife once they drop Nato off at his friend's house for a sleepover or something, teenagers.

America chuckled thinking of all the stupidity his son is probably going to get into overnight. "Morning sleepy," America said giggling when he saw Poland his lovely wife waking up and Nato's stepmother only in title but in all reality she help raise him from the moment he was born...

"Morning love, I see you're excited for the day," Poland said as she got up out of bed and America walked over to hug her. "Of course, I'm excited for the day it's not often all of us have the same day off." Poland smiled and slipped out of America's hug. "I've got to get dressed now hunnybuns because, knowing you, we'd be hugging all day if you'd have your way."

America chuckled opening the bedroom door. "You're not wrong. Well, I'm going to go wake up Nato if he isn't awake yet." America then closed the door leaving Poland alone in their bedroom. Walking to Nato's bedroom he stood in front of the door, checking the clock one last time, he knocked on the door. "Nato time to get up or you'll miss the day."

Nato mumbled on the other side of the door and sighed, "ok," he said in the tired tone of a just woke-up voice. America smiled softly, "Were you up all night Nato?" Nato's response to that question was to chuck his pillow at the door, which was still closed. America snickered at Nato's attempt to hit him with a pillow, shaking his head he turned around and left to go downstairs where he could already smell the food his wife was making.

"What you making?" America asked curiously walking into the kitchen. "Omelettes." She said concentrating on making sure they don't burn. "Nice," America said as he nodded happily sitting down at the table and then getting back up to go to the fridge. "Hey, do you want milk, water, or juice?" Poland just stopped what she was doing and turned quickly to face him. "I want you to think about what you just said but slower." America then looked baffled. "What? I just wanted to know what drink you wanted."

Poland sighed then giggled. "Chocolate milk." She said as she turned back to the stove. "Ok. Nato always drinks juice..... Oh right you basically only drink milk how did I forget about that!?" America said facepalming shaking his head the whole time. Poland giggled and nodded and America got out the juice, Milk, and Chocolate syrup.

Nato even came downstairs dressed for the day. "Morning," Nato said while stretching. "Morning sleepy," America said with a smile. "Foods done!" Poland said happily as she said the three plates of amazing breakfast in front of their respective people.

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