So that's it? It's over?

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America was just wanting this stupid Cold War thing to be over. It seemed to be ending soon which was nice less stress tomorrow was Christmas and his wish was just to get this shit over with. But he still had a stupid long ass meeting tomorrow which sucked, why couldn't he just have a Christian alone?

He walked off to his bedroom and got ready to go to sleep and deal with this stupid fucking meeting tomorrow. The next more all the G5 countries meet up. All of us being upset and annoyed about having to work on Christmas day. Soviet was talking about how his kids hated the fact he had to leave again on Christmas day, France said that she had to cancel a date, Britain bitch about having to work two days in a row, and China didn't say anything but it was obvious that being around America was the last thing he wanted to do on Christmas day.

We all sat down and talks started and after a bit the arguing started, oh how fun. America was half heartedly fighting with Soviet before suddenly... "Hey where the fuck?" America said and then Soviet popped back up missing clothes because they fell to the ground. "UMM. Wha.." Was all Soviet could say and most of us just laughed at the very embarrassed Red man as he bolted off to the bathroom.

When he got back America of course drove the pain in further. "I didn't know you were a magician stripper Soviet~" And Soviet just rolled his eyes and smiled. "I get to leave now!" Soviet said grabbing his things and turning to leave and America jumped up. "Who gave you that right!?" Soviet smirked. "I just dissolved America. I am no longer a country there for I no longer have to be here!"

This took the whole room in silence and China ran over and clung into Soviet. "PLEASE! DON’T MAKE ME BE THE ONLY ONE HERE!!" China begged and Soviet just patted his head. "Sorry Chi-Chi not my choice we all know the rules. Shattered countries aren't allowed to be at the meetings, so I must go now." China kept begged and it surprised them both when America walked over looking dazed and confused.

"You’re actually.. I.. You’re actually not a country anymore?" America asked as he stood before Soviet. "Yep I'm no longer a country America. How about that you’re wish came true!" America felt even more dizy. "So that's it hu? The Cold War is just... over? Like that? It's over.. I.. this feels fake.. a dream.. a.. I.." Soviet laughed at the overly dazed American and decided to fuck with him one last time. "Wake up America you’re starting to slip." The fear that took over America's face!

It was hilarious! Well.. until he started to cry.. which Soviet wasn’t expecting. And UK walked over and scalded Soviet for making such a joke. "Hey! I wasn't expecting him to take it seriously!" America keep crying and UK took him to the bathroom to get cleaned up. The meeting was canceled after that because both of the meeting leaders were out of commission.

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