A Day

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America was ecstatic to go out and chase he'd been doing it since he was a child. Chasing the Big hot air balloons trying to figure out where they would land. He hopped into the car with Canada,  who was driving, and went to where they'd be taking off. America was jumping, hollering, and overall being extraordinarily loud. Canada on the other hand was simply talking to the other's waiting for them to go as well being the far more patient one of the two.

America happily called as each one took off, he specifically wanted to tag a red and white one with the skull and crossbones. Canada laughed and said "If it goes in our favor but you'll just have to settle on whatever we get." After a bit they started up the car and went after them getting two by some apartments. Funnily enough one was the one America had tagged he had to help angle it so it didn't fall into the street. The other being a yellow one with a black eagle looking like it was going to catch its prey. Because they landed right next to each-other!

The next two were lucky as they noticed a purple and white one land further away but in a not so safe place so they ditched the two they were right next to. As America insisted on going to the one in the field as they would have to bounce/carry it out of the field. Canada nodded and sped there getting there right as it landed letting America out as soon as he stopped who raced over and helped.

As they were putting it away they noticed this sort of rainbow one bouncing like popcorn up and down never really landing. But it landed close enough that the two after they were done with the lovely purple and white patched hot air balloon got in and raced over to the other one. And America hopped out and helped bounce it up the hill it had landed on. After that Canada had to go to work so dropped America off at the end of the street he lived on then left to work leaving America to walk down his street.

After going to open the door, Soviet opened it and looked ready to go somewhere. America was confused but hungry till Soviet reminded him they were going to watch the fireworks and asked "Where's Nada?" To which America responded with "He'd left to go to work." As Ame put everything down to then run out the door to join his love in Soviet's truck. Soviet drove them to the grounds,  parked in a handicap parking spot, and then the two walked to the setting. 

Apparently they were going to meet New Zealand and Australia there, a surprise to America it turned out Zeal had brought a friend, Peru! America smiled and greeted them, but Soviet sighed saying "There wasn't a place comfortable for him to sit and see the whole show." Zeal piped up saying "There's a folding chair in their rental." Soviet smiled and asked America "Can you go to get it?" America looked overly confused then stated "Didn't know what Zeals rental even looked like."

Zeal nodded and asked "Hey Aus go with Ame to show him and just to keep an eye on each other." America protested saying "Let Aus do it alone! Been chasing shit all day!" But no, they forced them to go together anyway. Causing America to bitch a bit on the way there. On the way back Ame grabbed and held onto the back of Aus's shirt jokingly saying "Stealing your momentum Aus." It didn't take too much longer after they got back for America to say, "Now kiss." to Zeal and Peru which caused New Zealand to get a bit pissed and ask "Have you ever watched what you say!?"

To which America simply replied "No and when had he ever?" Which ended in more berating from Zeal saying "Well maybe he should." America sighed and rolled his eyes a bit as it was just a joke because of something they said. Though he was starting to suspect that Peru actually might like Zeal due to just how often Peru laid on Zeals shoulder and what they talked about. But before he could ask, the fireworks went off.

After everything was said and done they waited a bit before walking to their respective vehicles. Peru was in front of Zeal at one point holding hands with Zeal and later walking really closely side by side with Zeal. Which caused America to think even more about if Peru liked Zeal. Though when America managed to get Peru aside to ask "Hey do you have a crush on Zeal?" Peru imminently told Zeal he asked which caused Zeal to yell at Ame for "Not fucking getting the hint, being obvious as fuck, and not watching what he was asking or saying."

America kinda blew it off but kinda got a bit mad after, though he got in the truck he realized that Australia would be apparently crashing at his and Soviets place for the night which was cool. Yet all he'd really been thinking of for the past couple of hours was about the food waiting for him at home. So he decided he'd walk home,  hoping to beat the other two home! He managed to get home literally just as Soviet and Australia got there. Which did pissed Ame off in a way but hey whatever he's home and there food. So he walked in after Aus and went dig in, Aus then huffed and asked "What not going to shut it?" Referring to the door America had left open.

Which America promptly answered with "No I'm fucking hungry." and served himself a bowl of food. Then after opening a Sprite pack wrong and nearly having all them come falling out on to him. Though none hit the ground he then called for Aus to help and Aus just stood up told America to move and he'd fix it. America was so tired, hot, and hungry so he went into his room and took his shirt off, turned on the fan, and cracked open his drink. 

Only half way through his meal get those lovely intrusive thoughts. You know your not actually hungry fat ass, don't look down you'll see your stretch marks, you should put on a shirt before Soviet comes in and sees how gross you really are, stop eating fat ass, you know your only eating because you're fat.. ah he hated those thoughts but he convinced himself to finish his already small bowl and get more if he was hungry.

And same came with his drink. Really a Sprite you know water was right there, Sprites only going to make your lazy ass fatter, fat ass shouldn't be drinking this shit get water instead, oh are you just going to put it down and waste it fatty? America sighed and just finished it too but just... didn't want to touch anything else today started as such a good day too.. 

He then put away what was left so he didn't look like a slob or a lazy piece of shit to Soviet once he got home. He grabbed one of Soviet's shirts and laid down. Only for more intrusive thoughts.. You know you shouldn't fit his clothes, you so fat Soviets big ass clothes have to stretch to fit you, you need to be taller or he's going to leave you, you don't make him happy, he settled on you.

America sighed and grabbed his phone only to find he'd lost it. Fucking failure keep losing shit, you're going to lose everything if you keep being this stupid. He sighed and just asked "Aus can you call my phone?" ...It was under the foil he used to put the food away. America then sighed laid down texted out and sent an apology to Zeal for being a fucking idiot and then just laid in his bed. 

He curled up and the thoughts started turning to his little knife collection and how he could just cut the fat off. All he had to do was heat up the knife and take its sharp blade and hack his way through his stupid worthless body. ...he sighed it wasn't the first time he'd had that thought. It came and went throughout his life though he never acted on it. He wasn't suicidal and he never partook in any self harm but sometimes.. he'd just wished he was dead. But another sigh escaped his lips as he laid there.

Hoping his phone would distract himself enough to actually go to sleep and not have to deal with these stupid thoughts.

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