WAR!!!!????.... Yeah its War. AAU #4

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Third-person pov

America got up at 5 a.m. he had to open today... Even though the store he currently worked at actually opens its doors at 7 a.m. it didn't matter. Today was the day hell erupted onto Earth, today was BLACK FRIDAY. That word alone would send anyone who worked retail and got stuck working that unholy day trauma. But he had to work it EVERY YEAR! To him that word meant WAR.

He walked out of his shared room with his lover to the small kitchen to already see Finland up, good. "Hey, I need to borrow your bullet-resistant kevlar vest, please." Finland looked extremely confused at the American "Why do you need to borrow it and why aren't you dressed yet?" America just sighed and said, "It's for Jimmy he's working with me today," Finland blinked as if trying to remember "The one with the extremely sensitive skin condition." Finland nodded "Why'd he need it?"

America just stood their mouth agape and then shook his head "Do you not realize what day it is?" Finland blinked then "No... Should I?" America nearly pissed himself Finlands been living in this country for YEARS and he doesn't realize what day it is?! "FINLAND IT'S BLACK FRIDAY!!" Oh, the look of disbelief hit his face so clearly. "And you stuck HIM on it?!" America sighed "No one of the other managers did and you see why he might need it now." Fin sighed and walked off to go retrieve it from the corner of the living room where it was sitting next to his guitar case and backpack.

"Here, just return it in one piece when ey done with it ok." America nodded "Yeah heard you loud and clear. Thanks Finny." He gave Ame a thumbs up and continued eating his breakfast of instant noodles. "Save some for us." Fin just shrugged and walked off into the living room to his chair.

America's pov:

I went back to me and my husband's room and I put on a red long sleeve turtleneck, blue denim jeans, blue vest with my name tag on it Ray W. H. Romanov, and the belt with a clip-on taser to keep any unwieldy customers in check so they don't kill each other. Today was going to be the longest day of my life. I leaned down to kiss my lover goodbye on the forehead as I didn't know if I was going to survive today's onslaught. I walk out to the living room where I see Finland watching TV and NK still passed out on the couch.

"I'm going to head out now, Finland if I don't make it back before the dawn of tomorrow's light tell Soviet I love him. And don't come looking for me for I have already been consumed by wrath itself..." Finland cut me off "Stop being dramatic it's like you're heading out to war. I shouldn't have lent you that." I interrupted him "NO!! Please! I already told him I would bring it! Please!!!" Finland rolled his eyes "Ok fine whatever." I smiled at the small and only truly possible victory I was going to have today.

I get to the store and the others help sneak me in through the back door. We had all convened yesterday to talk about who was going to be stationed where. We knew everywhere was going to be hit but there was a pattern to the enemy. We knew that the places that were going to get hit hardest would be Electronics, Toys, and Jewelry. The next heaviest hit places would be anything to do with the outdoors, especially hunting. So those places will be staffed with the most people... But the worst-hit place truly in the middle of the gale-force shit storm... The people who are working check out.

"Alright, we'll make it through this and once we do I'll take us all out for dinner everything on me." I say hoping to bring up the already crushed souls of my soldiers as the commander I need to keep their spirits high; besides they would of fucking earned it. I see determination light up their faces, nothing like free food and alcohol to motivate someone.

"Ok to recap where everyone's going to be. Jimmy, you're going to be in Electronics with Sarah and Drake. Catherine, you're going to be in jewelry with Fredrick and Gwendolyn. Toys will be Dianna and Carter sorry guys toys drew short straw this year but Drake said he'd float back and forth and the outside will be Hanna, Keven, Carl, and Mike the rest will be working in check out which means we'll have five lanes open... Fuck.. Uh... Can we make it with five lanes?" Kelly chimed in "Well if shit hits the fan. The apartments that don't get hit bad will come running." I nod "I'll be floating around between every front but you can locate me at my base of operations the guns as I am... The most knowledgeable on them... By necessity." Chelsea laughed "I can't wait for those drinks Ame!" I smiled most of these guys didn't have to come in... The other managers left us understaffed but some full-time and even some part-time came in... God, I am one lucky son of a bitch... I'm going to need to call Ireland and book his bar out. And for good measure, a little sneaky bump in there pay no ones going to know as long as I use my own personal money.

Third-person pov:

Everyone nodded and split, then the doors opened..... Like a raging Hurricane breaking down the building, they came... "It was a well-fought battle but there were more of them than us!! 20 to thousands. Yet we stood firm!" America spoke to all those sitting with him at the bar! "We did it! We survived Black Friday!! Now let us feast and be MARY!!"

America stumble in fucking hammered with Finland's vest and then collapsed on the floor of the living room. "We made it!" Was all that he managed to get out before he passed out.
PS: America works at a Walmart in New York.

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