Thanks for helping me back there.

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     "That was all of that just happened..." America said a bit in a daze as North Korea stood next to him. " really saved my ass if it wasn't for you I...I would have died back there..." NK just huffed kinda holding his breath then he let it out. "Consider it returning an old and long overdue favor. We're equal now so don't expect me to do it again." America was confused. What favor did NK owe him? The North Korean walked away a small sad smirk forming on his normally stoic face as he thought back to a time he once felt happy. Tears formed in his eyes. "I did it South I protected him you're happy now.....I will always in the background protect him...I promised you that..." He walked away from a grave written on it the stone says. 'Here lies one who died far too young and shall be missed by all who ever knew them South Korea age 10.'

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