The Price of Love.

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Love came at a price... he knew that.. what he didn't know is that price would hit him... when he least expected it....... They were immortal.. how... How did the price come for them? He stared at the beautiful marble statue.. Their hands out as if to embrace the world in a hug.. Too bad that very world was the one that turned on him killing him so mercilessly. A pain more potent than any pain he felt before raged through him.. Anger engulfing his every thought.. His body felt as if it had a mind of its own as it climbed up to hug the statue.. The darkened clouds above let down the rain they had stored.. The crackling of the thunder ring in his mind.

But he stayed there hugging the statue of the man who died weeks ago. Stroking the marble wings he felt the pain return... His heart.. Hollow nothing to feel but that pain... And then a bang of lighting a voice from the rain... "Brother.. Rest. Do not cry.." He turned to look at the ground... Their... Their stood.. His brother.. "Brother...?.."... I spoke out in desperation..and confusion.. He just nodded.. "You're gone.. Dead.." He nodded again... "You know I'm not real... But you know what I'd do if I was.. So, please baby brother.. Hop off of there. Fathers making food and you're really hungry." I shook my head no... I truly wanted to believe he was back...

"Brother it's been months since my passing and I'm not the only hallucination you've had... Please... You know you need help... Canada, please.." I broke down and got off his statue but fell to my knees on his grave.. Staring at the plaque right under the statue... It read.. "Here lay a beloved brother and a ray of light to many.. Here lay the United States of America..." I resaid those words over and over.... Death was never supposed to come for him... I was never supposed to feel the pain of love... Loss...

My countryhuman short stories!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora