Watery Grave

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Tuvalu was standing in the UN meeting room listening to the yelling and fighting of the countries. As they pay lip service to something he must fear and deal with every single day. Anger boiled as he heard them argue and never get ANYWHERE, EVEN WHEN THEY SAID THEY CARED. Standing up he started walking up to the podium none noticing him except those like him.

Standing there over all of them seeing them as exactly what they are. "You're all pathetic." He said coldly and calculated into the microphone. This caused all of them to shut up and turn to the stage. The place's silence was broken by America scoffing, "Excuse me. Who are you?" Tuvalu smiled; a cold, broken, yet ecstatic smile, "You're all pathetic." He said again- "It makes me wonder if any of you truly understand. But I know you don't-" "I ASKED WHO YOU ARE DON'T IGNORE ME!" America screamed. "SHUT UP YOU MILITARY RAPED BITCH AND LISTEN," Tuvalu screamed back slamming his hands upon the podium's face.

America looked shocked and backed up a bit causing China to snicker as he tried desperately to not laugh. Tuvalu saw this and turned his attention to him, "You have no right to smile as you're exactly the same as him." China growled. "You watch yourself there." "OR WHAT CHINA YOU'LL STOP TRADING WITH ME!? WHAT WILL THERE BE TO TRADE WITH WHEN I AM DROWNING IN THE VERY WATERS YOU POLLUT AND DENY RISE. LISTEN TO ME AS I WILL LAUGH IN MY GRAVE AS THE OCEAN YOU LET SWALLOW ME DESTROY YOUR CITIES, KILL YOUR PEOPLE, AND DENY YOU THE THING THAT LETS YOU LIVE."

Russia rolled his eyes. "You're over-exaggerating." "You're permafrost is no longer permanent as it dethaws and lets out the plagues its keeps in and hidden now released upon your people. You'll know it to be true as you'll melt then freeze."

The three large nations look at each other as before they speak. "Get in the water and die like you have condemned others like myself to suffer. My fate will be the same as yours. Her waves will rot devastation you're weapons can only fathom. As you watch Shanghai, Moscow, and The District of Columbia drown. You're people unable to find drinkable water, you're fertile land under the wave causing starvation, you're governments collapse as all hell breaks lose as fires rage scorching your homes and typhoons rot what hope you have left."

Everyone looked at each other. "As I watch the waves calm me day by day. I will watch as the world turns to fire and ice, as her anger continues and freezes as she denies you her warm waters to keep whatever is left warm. You have killed her hope, strained her last bit of kindness, and she will kill you for it. NOW GET IN THE WATER!"

My countryhuman short stories!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora