Four-way Date night

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Canada, America, Australia, and New Zealand were all giggling about how funny this was going to be that they tricked their dates. They waited for them to show up all at the same time.. then they walked into Russia, Japan, Belarus, and Ukraine and looked confused. "What is going on?" Russia asked confused Japan was looking around and then spotted the four giggling fools. She nudged Russia, "Your answer is a prank four-way date." The other three looked over to where Japan pointed to see the British Children and their dates laughing their asses off.

Uki was the first to start walking over and hugged Canada. "Hahaha very funny you four." Kissing his head and sat down next to him. "It was America's idea.." Canada said quietly as the other three walked over taking their seats as well. "That was certainly something," Belarus said giggling leaning into Aussie whose response was. "Glad you found it funny." Then happily scooped her up into his lap.

Russia then gently hugged his boyfriend. "How'd I not guess you were going to put a spin on it?" America laughed and slipped into his boyfriend's lap. "Don't know I put a spin on every date I'm the one responsible for." "Thank you," Japan said quietly to her girlfriend for getting her out of work. New Zealand smiled and gently slipped her hand into her girlfriend's hand but out of view from everyone else. "Of course." Zeal responded.

The eight of them put their orders in; Canada got shrimp and Alfredo pasta with a ginger ale, Ukraine got a stake medium rare with a side of mixed salad getting Coca-Cola, America got a stake rare with a side of mashed potatoes getting a Sprite, Russia got spicy stake fries with a side of onion rings getting a Non-sweetened tea, Australia got chicken fingers off the kids menu with a side of onion rings getting a Water, and Belarus got a four cheese macaroni with a side of mashed potatoes getting a Sprite.

After the waiter left Ukraine looked over to America. "A rare stake? Really?!" America smiled. "I know this place does really good stakes." Uki just shook her head and then chuckled. "It must be like giving head to Russia hu?" America proceeded to nearly choke on his food and Russia nearly spat out his drink.

The others at the table started to laugh hysterically at the twos impairment, well except Canada. "Oh, Uki noo." Was all the Canadian managed to mumble out through his second-hand embarrassment for his brother a small giggle slipping out. "What?! I'm allowed to torture my sibling." Uki said huffing as Japan stood up and excused herself from the table.

New Zealand got up and followed her girlfriend noticing something was amiss. The two of them ended up in the woman's room and Japan gently sat on the floor. "Everything ok love?" Zeal said walking over to them. "Everything got really bright, loud, and hot," Japan said as she curled up a bit more this made Zeal start looking through her bag as she pulled out a little battery fan.

"Here hun you might be going through a hot flash mixed with overstimulation." She said as she watch Japan turn on the fan. "I've got noise reduction earplugs. They should still let you hear most of the conversation but it would be a lot quieter as well as some reading glasses that are tinted to help block out some light. If you don't want to wear them it's okay we can change seats with each other so my body will block out more light and I can ask everyone else if they're ok with quieting down a bit."

Japan shook her head no. "I don't wish to be a burden on anyone or make them less happy." New Zealand gently took her lover's hand. "No no hunnybuns you're not a burden and the rest of the group isn't going to be mad at you or make them less happy. Trust me I've had to ask America to quit down more times in my life than I could remember. He's just found other ways to do his attics just quitter."

"But." Before Japan could finish her sentence Belarus walked in. "Hey, everything ok? You two both kinda just snook off." Then she noticed the positions. "I'm going to take what I see as a no?" Zeal sighed and shook her head. "Nono everything's fine now Japan just got a little overwhelmed." Belarus nodded, "So did Canada so Ukraine told the tale to knock it off."

Zeal looked confused then remembered Canada has anxiety and sucks at telling people to stop. "Ohhhhh right no it wasn't because of the jokes." Belarus looked confused and looked at Japan who now had a soft squeeze toy in her hands. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Belarus said quietly now realizing. "I'll go tell them to quit down you two come out when you're ready."

Zeal nodded and smiled while Japan waved goodbye a bit a bit later the two came out and everyone was a bit quitter. The dinner went much smoother from there Australia talked to Belarus a lot but not too many of the others. Zeal and Japan were the first couple to leave followed by Ukraine and Canada, Belarus and Australia, the last to leave was America who insisted to be the one to pay for everything.. and even help clean up the closing restaurant. Russia just sighed smiled and waited.


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