Getting Stuck With Children. #AAU18

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Finland was standing there staring at this mother who was looking in quiet disarray. "I'm so sorry Sir but please I need some help." She said as she directed Fin to look at her spawn standing behind her. "My mother just ended up in the hospital and everyone who normally watches her can't. So please I know we only really know each-other because we're neighbors. But I'm willing to pay 100$ just for an hour please."

Finland sighed, "No reason to pay Ma'am I'll watch her for the rest of the day. Do you have a list of allergies or preferences for food and entertainment?" The mother nodded and handed him a list Finland sighed and took it and move to let the spawn in. After that the mother ran off down the hallway and the spawn looked up at Fin.

"You're nice right?" The 5 year old spawn asked and Finland rolled his eyes. "Niceness is relative." The little girl looked confused and and turned her head up at him. "What's that?" "Relative? Well that means a few different things but the way I'm using it it means a term, thing, or concept that is dependent on something else." They looked a bit less confused but still confused.

"Whats dependent??" Finland thought about it. "The way I'm using the word.. well you know when you want to do one thing but you have to do something else first. Like you want to watch a show but in order to watch the show you must turn on the TV??" She beamed a bit nodding happy. "Because if you don't turn on the TV you can see the picture!" Finland nodded and then she looked confused again.

"But what does turning on a TV have to do with kindness?" Finland sat down in his chair and she sat on the floor. "Well think about it like this. Kindness to be given means the you must be kind but sometimes people aren't kind." "Because there meanies!" Finland shook his head a bit. "Yes and no." "What do you mean?? Someone can be mean but not a meanie??" Finland grabbed some papper.

"Well, what I'm saying is there is normally always a reason behind the meanies. Like me I can be nice but if you're mean to me I might become upset which is different then mean." She tilte her head to the side. "What's the difference?" Finland smiled. "Being mean and upset can result from the same thing being mad but are different responses: Being mean usually refers to the person who says something very cruel. Like I hate you're hair or your stupid. That's mean they have no reason to say that other then they know it will hurt you."

She nodded and smiled, "Got it so whats upset?" "Well being upset here means making someone unhappy, disappointed, or worried. Like when you're mother says you can't do that even though you really want to will make you feel." "UPSET!" She said happily like she just learned one of the most important things in the world. "Yes you get mad or upset. What do you do when you are mad or upset?" She blinks, "I don't know."

Finland giggled, "Well let's practice being upset and how to deal with it ok?" She nodded and jumped up onto her feet. "So I'm going to be the upset one ok so I'm going to ask you if I can go somewhere ok." She nodded with enthusiasm. "Ok!" Finland then bent down. "Can I go to my friends house?" He asked and she shook her head. "No, you can't." Finland looked sad. "Ok well can we do something together then?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm busy!" He nodded and stood up. "Ok, but why can't I go to my friends house if you're busy?" She looked so confused. "Yeah wait why can't you go over in I'm busy..?? Uhh because foods almost here!" He nodded, "Alright I understand! I can't go to my friends because we're about to eat. Well can I talk to my friend over the phone till food gets here?" She nodded happily. "Sure you can do that!"

"Thank you!" Finland said and walked off and then came back. "Thats one way to deal with being upset. Now there's another way the other way is when you get really upset and want to yell. When you feel like that sure you can yell and scream but that might get you?" "More in trouble?" Finland nodded. "So in order to deal with that upsetness you can leave to go to your room or take a bath to do something called cooling off. Cooling off let's you're upsetness out in a better way and by letting it out you can then try and figure out what lead you to be upset. If it was someone who upset you, you can tell them that, "Hey I didn't like that. That really upset me and I'd like to know why you did that?" And if they say, "Oh I didn't mean to upset you I'm sorry I made you feel like that. This is what I meant or this is what made me upset." And after both of you know what made you upset you can work on it to make sure that you both understand each others feelings better."

Then she started doing it. "Its my turn!" Finland nodded and they did different scenarios about how to deal with different emotions. This went on for several hours and Finland didn't notice Soviet get home till. "Well look at you Fin! I thought you said you didn't like chicken?" Finland jumped and spun around looking confused and then freaked out. "I was under duress!"

"You where hu?" Soviet said giggling and Finland crossed his arms. "I'm making her part of the Anarchists!" "Whats Anarchist???-" She asked confused. "-Is it another emotion?" "No it's not another emotion." She nodded and shrugged and then someone nocked on the door and Soviet took his human form again then opened the door. "Hello?" He said to the woman standing at his door.

"Uh hello Sir but where..?" Soviet turned and looked at Fin. "The kids mom is here." He nodded and walked off to get her from the kitchen as she was getting a snack. "Hey your mom is here." She happily ran off with the apple in her mouth to go to her mom and she started blabbing to her mom about all of the cool things Finland tough her.

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