Loss and Victory

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The battle raged on over head as sythe met sword cutting though the air and fleash. Then the gray and black sythe user nocked the purple, blue, and gold Flag out of the air. "GIVE UP YOU ANNOYING SEAGULL!" United Empire screamed as he launched himself from the ground. Stealthily dodging around his enemy ever so a smile on his face the sythe user said.

"Once you stop wearing that stupid dress." Reorienting himself toward his enraged opponent. "ALSO I'M A RAVEN!" He hollered as he watched him twitching in anger. "IT'S NOT A DRESS YOU FAILURE OF YOU'RE GENETIC LINE!" United Empire screamed at him again and Third took it with a smile and shrugged. "PRETTY GOOD FAILURE CONSIDERING I LIVED SO LONG!" Third hollered back as he raised his sythe to position to block from UE slamming into him from above.

The impact sending Third into a spiritual of trying to regain stability, as he fell. Then a shot rang out. A pink thick mist exploding around Third right as he regained the stability. Then another and another three hitting him and exploding out the pink thick mist. Third tired to get out of it but it's like it clung to him... his vision blurring, ears ringing, and where the capsules hit becoming numb.

Panic enveloped his mind as he realised his ability deactivated in those areas hit.. No they couldn't have.. he dived out of the sky to land near his second in command. "We need to run." Third said looking at battered Britain. "Run?! No! This is one of the few places we have left!" But Third ignoring the pleases of the British man grabbed the flare gun and started to load it his ability completely wearing off.

"They found out how to make anti-magic grenades without your ability. We need to get out of here who knows how many of those things they have left." He hissed in pain as everything now was starting to go completely numb. Pointing the flare up at the sky he could see the tarror on Britain's face as he pulled the trigger. Retreat. The FAR group saw the signal and started to fall back as the Four Raises of Justice ran over to there leader waiting for the order.

"I want that Pigeons head on a plate!" UE shouted and with that order giving Renegade Phoenix and Deathly Winter took chase.

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