The German Morning

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Germany stretched and got ready for his day, but the moment the sun rose,  the house quite quickly boomed into life. He rolled his eyes, sighed, finished his daily routine, and then opened his bedroom. He came face to face with his Grandfather the Second Riech or German Empire, he just calls him Gramps. "Ah, good morning." Second, said with a smile on his face but he could tell his Grandson was not in the mood to talk, he normally doesn't talk in the morning.

Germany lifted his land to his chest and gave a very small wave, yet he made sure to give his Gramps a smile.
Second, nodded at this and let Germany go ahead of him so he didn't have to lag behind him. Germany walked into the living room to see the Head of the house come out of his room in the basement. "Guten Morgen Junge." Germany sighed of course Frankish still called him boy but before he could respond Second cleared his thought.

"Sie wissen, dass Deutschland morgens nicht redet." *(You know Germany doesn't talk in the morning.*) Frankish looked annoyed at Second but Germany smiled at his grandfather. Frankish or Grumpy walked into the kitchen to most likely pester his child Holy Roman Empire who was neither Holy, Roman, nor an Empire. And this that chuckle to himself Germany and his grandfather walked into the living room, where he noticed his father and aunt.

The moment the two who were sitting on the couch noticed the two who just walked in, Third quickly stood up, and Germany put his hands up. Second put one of his arms between his son and his grandson. "Don't smother your son." Third looked down upon this and sighed. "Right sorry Germany." Germany smiled and nodded then moved to sit down on one of the chairs. After a few more minutes of stupidity watching the TV breakfast was done but Prussia still hadn't come down.

Frankish looked annoyed by this and turned to HRE and growled out, "Hol deinen Sohn." *(Go get your son.)* HRE looked nervous, Second just shook his head, Third trying to act invisible, Weimar was basically invisible, and Germany was just ignored. Prussia was never dragged downstairs and the night owl got to sleep another day. And that's just how the German morning goes.

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