Meetings are "Fun."

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Americas/ Third person pov:
Soon they will stand face to face the Eagle with metal wings and the Bear of Earth. America took a breath in he's going to be staring down his opponent right in the eyes, not at war but close enough. I must be stern and decisive. I hate to say this but god I have to become my dad for a bit.

The doors open and the two walk in.

America instinctively tried to stay light on his feet, all wail his mettle wings were treating to break through the back of his shirt at any second! If necessary to escape or dodge an incoming attack, of course, he tried to avoid eye contact as he stick out his hand to greet the Bear Soviet, who does not take the hand in greeting. America realizes this and puts his hand down and took a quick breath. He knows why the bear didn't take his hand. Soviet must of felt slighted because he didn't greet him with power but with 'fear' by not making eye contact. He braced himself and looked up, meeting the bear's eyes and reaching his hand back out with a more stern stance and eye contact, and then the bear finally took his hand in greeting.

Soviets/ Third person pov:
Soon they will stand face to face the Bear of Earth and the Eagle with metal wings. Soviet dusted off his trench coat and fixed his ushanka; after all, he will be facing the fast and nimble Eagle. I must be sure not to make him uncomfortable! That man lives on the edge and will end this meeting as soon as he even thinks that he is in danger. And he came all this way to Moscow so I might as well make him feel somewhat comfortable. Ok, things to remember; do not touch him!! Handshakes are a nono, direct eye contact is a nono, and do not raise your voice or imply that you are intimidating in any way! This will immediately make him apprehensive.

The doors open and the two walk in.

Soviet instinctively tightened his back standing with his full height on display with a cold yet neutral face. Walking firm and steady ready for anything or so he thought, as they finally got to the middle it was the Eagle America who initiated the first contact by stretching his hand out in greeting. Soviet was taken aback because what he had heard about the Eagle was that he would never do this! The American was still avoiding eye contact at least that was true, then he lowered his hand and took a breath. Soviet thought it was out of relief but then the Eagle made direct eye contact with him and stuck out his hand again. Soviet realized that he is insisting that he shake his hand and he did still slightly confused. But it must have just been professional courtesy. After that, they both sit down and get started with their meeting.

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