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Austria got home and opened the the door only to hear yippping like from puppys in his house. "Umm I'm home.." He called out extremely confused only to hear a two voices quickly whispered to each other and stamper about in one of the rooms.

"Hungary! Who else is hear? Also why did I hear a puppy?!" Austria called out to his partner in several crimes and the greatest but also most annoying roommate ever. Hungary answered back. "Nobody! And also what puppy's?" Austria shot his head up. "I said PUPPY Hungary so why did you say Puppy's!?"

Hungary was standing in the kitchen as Austria walked into the archway. "Alright you've got five seconds to tell me where the other person is and where the puppy's are." Hungary stayed quiet. "Alright. Five. Four. Three." "GERMANY IS IN THE PANTRY AND WE SAVES A SOME PUPPY'S THAT WHERE GOING TO BE KILLED BECAUSE THE SHELTER COULD HOLD ANY MORE!!!!" Austria sighed as Hungary said all of that and German came out of the pantry holding the three puppy's.

Austria sighed and looked at the three stupidityly fluffy and very small pups. "You can keep one!" Austria said with a sigh after he saw Hungary basically begging him. Hungary jumped up happily and ran over and picked up the Golden Retriever pup from Germany's hands. "Then can I keep Marshmallow?" Austria blinked. "Why did you name it that its not even white." Hungary smiled. "Its full name is Sir. Toasted Marshmallow of the Retriever Kingdom!" Austria just looked dead inside. "Fine we'll keep Toast. Germany you can come back after you drop the other two off somewhere else."

Germany smiled. "Actually I'm keeping one and Canada wants the other." Austria blinked. "Doesn't Canada already have three dogs?" Germany nodded. "He doesn't need a fourth. Nobody needs that many dogs." Germany shrugged and left.

Austria turned his attention to Hungary. "You’re cleaning up after it I will not do anything for that dog but take it to the vet, out on walks, and feed it. ONLY if you get stuck at a meeting." Hungary nodded then ran outside to play with the pup.

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