Fractured Authority.

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Soviet walked forward tense and firm as he rose above all those around him. "I thought I gave you an order to not execute them," Soviet said, anger dripping from his words and his hatred piercing the souls of those around him. The soldiers trembled and cowered away from the enraged Flag. Who drew closer with Every. Single. Step. Boiling the snow underneath his feet, steam rising from it, "We got different orders that went against yours, Sir." Soviet grabbed the soldier that said that by the throat and lifted them off their feet. "And what authority overrides MINE?" Soviet hissed out getting close to the soldier's face that was starting to turn slightly blue due to the lack of oxygen.

Lenin walked over to Soviet, "Mine, I overruled that order. Now drop them." This pissed Soviet off and he threw the soldier to the ground like a rag doll, "They were under MY protection! YOU had NO say as to what would come of them." Lenin moved to face Soviet head-on, "The White army was getting too close to the Royal Family and could have released them!" Soviet's eyes lit a burning gold. "I HAD A PLAN! AND YOU ARE MY EQUAL NOT MY SUPERIOR!" Soviet said as he used ice magic to make an ice spike come out of the ground and pierce the wall next to Lenin's head, "And don't you forget that human." Lenin growled, "Use my name Flag." Soviet shot back, "Only if you use Mine."

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