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America started laughing because he keep messing his lines up. "WHY!" America said as he keep laughing. Soviet was laughing harder as he watched America try to remember the lines from his lovely little book.
"BECAUSE LIFE IS TORTURING YOU!" Soviet said happily as Canada sighed. "Look America if the line is so hard to do for you to say out loud just lip it we'll add it in post production." Soviet chuckled. "Still can't believe this is for pornhub with everything involved." America nodded and they moved on to the next scene.

“I-" Soviet laughs and the camera crew laughs as well, noticing how hard this was going to be. America just stood there covering his mouth not to burst out laughing. “OH OKAY LET US TRY AGAIN-“ Soviet said giggling. “Okay okay okay- take three. Go!” Eric, one of the camera guys said “So what do you want to talk abo-HAHAHAH-" America bursts out laughing which causes everyone else to laugh. "Hell yeah! These will be in the bloopers." America says as he is trying not to choke on air as he was laughing. “I…want one of your shows.” Soviet says and suddenly Y.M.C.A plays. "WHY IS Y.M.C.A PLAYING?!" America screamed in confusion as one of the camera guys was trying to turn their phone off.

“Here~ sit down and enjoy yourself~,"
America says. Soviet follows along and sits down. Both of them trying to be as serious as they can without smiling. That’s when Ame tries to get Soviet's belt undone. The American begins to wheeze since he realises the belt is stuck. “OH- HAHAHAHA-" Soviet looks down at the American's laughter to release what was making his laugh, “OH FOR FUCK SAKE!-" Then Soviet himself bursts out with laughter putting his hands to his forehead in embarrassment. America just stands there leaning into Soviet as he wheezes whilst trying to get the belt undone. “IT WONT COME OFF- HAHAHAHAH!” America says before he was taken over by laughter as the Camera crew sigh and some start to giggle. America with tears in his eyes fell onto his knees and hands in uncontrollable laughter. Soviet just sits there regretting everything, “DAMMIT AME.” This did not help the Americans laughter but he managed to squeeze out a "I'M SORRY YYYY-"

So eventually they do more retakes and more shoots to the point Soviet having his dick out, America smirks down at Soviet, “…Damn.” Is all the American could say which led to Soviet bursting out laughing once again. “JUST STOP!” Soviet said in embarrassment and America just played around a bit, “No like…like- come on Sovi. Look.” Soviet shook his head, “I WILL NOT LOOK AT MY OWN DICK.” America snickered a bit, “I forgot how big it was.” Soviet's voice got higher pitched in more embarrassment, “SHUT- HAHAHA- SHUT UP!” America playfully nudged Soviet, “Soviet. Come on.” America bites his lip. “HET. STOP.” Soviet said but America doesn’t stop. “AMERICA!” Soviet said in this half smile, half 'I want to go die from embarrassment' face as America just looked away and put his finger to his chin as if he was thinking. 

“JUST DO WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO!” Soviet said and America hushed back, “No no. Look Soviet. I’m- I'm thinking okay?” Soviet worryingly shouted a bit, “THINKING OF WHAT??” America kinda looked at Soviet with a bit more realization on his face, “Are we gonna actually do this?” Soviet confused just said, “DA?” and America shrugged, “Okay then. Uhhh…” America looked back down at Soviet's dick again. “We should do a retake. Warm that dick up.” America said with a gleeful chuckle and Soviet just screamed, “SHUT THE FUCK UP-" America chuckled at the embarrassment man, “Says the man with his dick out.” Soviet wanting to slap his filming partner but holding back just said, “I SWEAR TO GOD AME-" And with that Eric the camera crew stepped back in, 
“Okay! Retake Twenty! Let’s roll!”

“Master-" America smiles toward Soviet then playfully rubbed Soviet's dick, “It’s no fun if you’re not-" Soviet put a hand over America's mouth and kinda chuckled out of embarrassment, “Hold on, I just thought of my kids. And I feel very uncomfortable thinking about them during this.”
Soviet smiled still embarrassed. Everyone else starts Wheezing. America questioned why Soviet would ever think of his own kids during this. "Well I'm sorry I suddenly got worried about Belarus being stupid! One time I looked away and Russia found the chainsaw and tried to cut his birthday cake with it! I mean I stopped him but damn I to this day have no idea how he got it."

Later Soviet was blushing a lot. He looked at America getting a bit out of breath whilst moaning slightly. “Ride me you slut~”
He purred. America smiled, remembering that he had to stand up by this point only to be dragged down again. He did that. And Soviet followed along with his actions and shoved him back down. “Facing me~~” Soviet growled. “Damn okay papi,” America whispered towards him. Soviet bit his lip, trying not to fail and laugh out loud again. That wasn’t America’s line! And America knew that. The Camera Crew didn’t even hear it! “Do you like bananas, Soviet?” America whispered in Soviet's ear. That was it, Sov let go of the leash and sighed whilst burying his face in his hands. He was disappointed in the American who began to burst out laughing. "How many takes have we gone through Eric?" America said to the camera guy. "A whole ton." He said and America just rolled his eyes and bit, "How much is a ton?" And Eric raised his voice is slight exhaustion, “A FUCK LOADS.” 

America raised an eyebrow, "Hu ok how many were caused by me?" America said as he decided to jack Soviet off do to him Probably already ner the edge. “Unable to count. But most were you. Some both. And a bit Soviet.” America nodded, "Ye sorry man." Eric shrugged, “Ehhh. At least it gives us some laughs, anyways, are you almost ready?” America nodded a bit then looked at Soviet. "You ready?" America said, still jacking Soviet off, “Few more seconds then Da.” America chuckled and grabbed some paper towels and put it over Soviet dick. "Ok can you finish yourself up I'm going to go get water." Knowing he was cockblocking Soviet and found it funny. “Ugh. Alright then. But I want more water too.” Soviet said in a bored, very horny tone. 

"We can start recording again when I get back. Wait Eric do you want me to get you some water too? Also where did Canada go? This is his company, damn it." America said kinda annoyed “He went on break for a second. He will be back. And yeah. Water for me too. Thanks.” America nodded and got Eric a cold water, him, and Soviet some lukewarm water because drinking cold water isn't a wise idea doing this. "He's probably out on a food run." “Good for him then. Do we wait for him or do we start when ready?” "Let’s just get this done I'll try and stop making mistakes" America said America crawled back into the bed they managed to get the rest of it done in this take.

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