Being a Flag Sucks.

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     America sat there as he drifted back and forth between dreams and reality. Trying desperately to stay awake, but he just couldn’t do it!! He just couldn’t do it!! As he closed his eyes again for the umpteenth time just to blink. Well, he didn’t blink, but he did wake up. To being yelled at by UN, “AMERICA GET UP!!!” God, America should just start using his screams as his alarm clock noise because he's the only thing that gets him up. He sighed as he sat up to line his aching back up to the chair's back because he desperately needed the support to even sit up straight.  He breathed in the stale, angry, bored, dead air. Dead like everyone in this room, god you always hear people say I want to be a Flag! It must be so cool! YET people just don't understand that all they see is the good and not the traumatic stuff behind the scenes.  And how much we have to put up with! As well as who we are! WE'RE countryhumans our lives are tied to our countries!

    When our countries fall or break apart so do we!! I MEAN WE'LL BASICALLY FUCKING DIE IF THEY FALL!!! I tend to use Soviet as an example, he technically just broke apart, but so much of him changed enough in that time he essentially died though he's getting beck-ish into the swing of things just as Russia. Yes, when I say that the Soviet Union isn't dead I don't mean that he lives on as an idea. No, he lives on as a completely different person who was at one point trying very hard to change but were both falling back into old habits. Fighting or just ignoring each other though he has dropped a good portion of insults though he does keep up with a few of his favorites. As for myself, I've been really sick recently due to the amount of chaos my country is in at the moment. God, I hope they figure this shit out so I'm not vomiting every 3 minutes like FUCK I have a trash can between my legs so all I have to do is look down and vomit. At least it isn't as bad as what Poland has. The poor guy can't even get up to leave his house. He has to be carried because of the massive protests in his country. I mean I can sustain more damage than him because I'm a much larger country. BUT STILL ITS HELL!!

     I mean why would anyone wanna be a countryhuman at all? It's just pain and politics! There are barely any good things about it. Especially if you end up as a countryhuman of an authoritarian country. Trust me I should know I've seen several run-away CH’s from those countries. I mean hell, some even try to kill themselves! It doesn't work, of course, because as long as your country is a thing, so are you. So many of them just flee, only a very few CH’s from those places get treated decently. God damn I hate all of this 2020 is a fucking mess. Please for the love of everything nock me the fuck out!

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