A Flag and their Emotional Support Human.

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Soviet smiled his eyes a flaming gold as he stood in front of his father the gun raised, "You forgot something oh so important. The difference between your God and Me" He chuckled as he shot the gun ending the crumpled fool in front of him, "Is that I exist." He walked out onto the balcony trying to stay stoic to see all those standing and waiting hanging on his silence. He raised HIS flag this is HIS time. A grin crossed his stoic face at the sound of them cheering and chanting HIS name.


Yet that was years ago, now he sits in his office surrounded by... FEAR and ANGER. He was sick and tired of it all! Was this what he truly wanted?! When he waved that flag, when he killed his father, when he believed in it all... Was this what he thought it would be like? Was this all you ever wanted? Your people are starving, your people live in fear of everything, your people are dying on the streets.. Is... Is this what you wanted? Those thoughts rain throw his head on loop, the pain in his head due to lack of sleep was not helping either. Then someone walked in and dropped a large stack of papers on his desk. He grabbed the one from the top sitting it in front of him... But then the sound of that door shutting set something off in him.

Such a simple ignorable noise caused him to snap. He flipped the desk in front of him, threw everything off of the decorative fireplace, threw the chair next to him into the wall, and screamed out in rage, this drew the attention of many yet all were too scared to open the door not wanting to draw his ire. Soviet then grabbed the gun he keep on his hip and as he drew it he let out one final scream firing at a portrait of him and his father in his office. He's shot this portrait many times either to make a point or just for fun... as he breathed he shook falling onto his knees.

The portrait had a new hole in it, but instead of being in the head of his father.. He had shot himself... He looked down at his hands seeing the blood and the gun... IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED!?! Soviet let out one more scream this time not out of anger or hate, no this scream was a cry for help. His eye was gray it lost its glow a long time ago, his trench coat was in shreds, his ushanka was no longer the color it originally was, the eye patch he wore becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

Out of an act of desperation; he ripped his eye patch off and threw it into the fake fireplace, he threw his ushanka over to where the chair was, and he ripped his trench coat off trying desperately to breathe. Drowning in something he could not describe clawing at his arms making them bleed... He was not aware he was being watched and that someone had come into the room. Something soft was wrapped around him and a smell of warm milk filled the air around him being him back to reality.

"I'm here to help." These were the first words he was greeted with.. Onse he desperately wanted to hear even if he didn't know he wanted to hear them so bad. He watched the male human put the gun on safety and move it away from him. They sat down leaning against the wall them moving Soviet slowly to lean up against him. "Here have something to drink it will help calm you down." He said moving the drink closer to Soviet.. Who wanted to trust this man so much but his trust was abused so much. Thirst got the better of him he tried to reach for the drink but his hands shook so much. "It's ok I can hold it for you." Their voice was so soft... He nodded and he drank it that way. After he got done with the warm liquid he did feel calm yet still waiting to cry so much.

"You can cry, sir. You're still human and we all need to cry. It's alright." With that Soviet pulled the blanket as far around him as he could and silently cried...

Day's later. "Good morning Soviet!" A chirpy male voice said as they opened the door to Soviet's office. "Your late.." Soviet said as he turned in his new chair to face the man. "I know sorry but hot milk doesn't just lay around though." They both chuckled and patted his lap. "Well come on Pavel." The man walked over and gave Soviet the drink which he happily took after he finished he grabbed Pavel and pulled them onto his lap and nuzzled into him. "I was yelled at a lot Pav.." He nodded, "Even if you leave a lot out wanna tell me why?"

"I didn't wanna do something and he got mad at me." Pav chuckled, "Who's he?" Soviet mumbled, "Leader." "Ah going against orders," Pav said like this wasn't the first time he heard this and Soviet nodded, "He doesn't like the fact that I got an emotional support human. He wants me to stop talking to you and I said no." Pav felt Soviet squeeze him a bit, "He's afraid you'll be a spy.. But I don't care anymore. I should have gotten one a long time ago. But I was too proud and too afraid." Pev nodded, "Well you have one now and that's an amazing first step." Soviet smiled and cuddled him more and they just talked. A little bit of his gold returning to his gray eye.
Emotional support human is a Human that a Flag picks to help them stay grounded and work out some stressors in life, they're also told to treat the Flag as a human and not as some God or higher object. Have conversations with them and treat them like a completely normal person. They are meant to be the mom of the friend group basically.

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