6 but.

43 3 0

Japan chuckled and poked China in the face to annoy them. This just caused China to sighed, shake his head, and look at the clearly bored Female next to him. "Please don't take after your ancestors. I'm not your guys play thing for when you get bored." He said as he moved to cross his arms a bit and Japan huffed. "I was just waiting to play a game with you because this ride is sooooo long." China sighed again. "America is a bad influence on you." Japan chuckled and leaned back a bit. "Isn't he a bad influence on everyone from your point of view?"

China snickered. "You're not allowed to point out my biases. Miss I think he's hot." Japan got flustered and started stammering in Japanese before just huffing and giving up entirely. China laughed at the fact that she wasn't denieding it. "But other then that what was the game you wanted to play?" Japan happily perked up again. "You know the game where people ask you something like He's a 8 but he finishes all of his sentences with bro. So what is he now stuff?"

China shook his head and snorted a bit. "As long as we get to switch who's asking the questions every turn. But first female or male lover questions?" Japan thought about it. "Ah I don't think I really care. You?" China looked around and made sure no one was over hearing them. "Male as long as no.. you understand." Japan nodded and laid a hand on his shoulder. "One day you won't have to hide." He  looked to the side, then to the ground, and nodded. "Well let's get the game going! So he's a 10 but he's a mommy's boy." China started to think on it. "Mommy's boy as in the kind that picks there mom over everything full stop or the type that knows how to make healthy boundaries and just really cares about his mom?" Japan giggled. "All of the buts are the possible things that can increase or decrease stuff also first." China nodded and thought about it again. "3 not a fan of having to bow to another person to be honest." Japan laughed. "Put your words better man that just sounds rude."

China nodded. "You're right.. tss. Well I.. mm.. its hard to put into words. If I had to really saw what I mean.. is I look for someone with healthy boundaries because I am unable to have them.." Japan nodded and then giggled. "You're turn." China giggled. "She's a 4 but she's extremely good at cooking." Japan giggled. "7 food is something I value. If she'd start doing morning walks with me 9." China nodded in agreement. "Sadly this is just A and B no C."

"Yeah you're right anyway my turn. He's a 10 but is as air headed as Russia." China giggled. "That's just Soviet, Japan. So I'd say 10 still." Japan scoffed. "Course you would." China giggled. "Biases go Brrr, as the kids would say." Japan got a kick out of that and China smiled. "He's a 10 but he's completely up his own ass." Japan sat up. "5 I hate people who are super conceded like that." China bursted out laughing. "Yet you like America." Japan shrugged. "He has the bite to back up his bark. Dude's not dumb as much as he acts it." China sighed and agreed. "He does put his money where his mouth is and normally doesn't back out of shit. Unlike his actual country." Japan nodded. "But isn't that most of us?" China grabbed his water and took a sip. "So very true." He said after.

Japan looked behind them. "Looks like the fun is over." China turned to look as he saw some of his and Japan's people walking into the train cabin. He sighed and returned to his stoicism and Japan quickly changed where and how she was sitting.

My countryhuman short stories!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin