Lower Your Expectations.

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America giggled as he casually followed the Russian around the UN building. "Russia. Russia. Russia. Russia. Ruski. Rus. Roster." Russia sighed as he turned to look at America. "Roster is a new one." America giggled. "I knew I could get you to stop ignoring me!!!" Russia sighed and picked the America up who was now happily giggling.

"Annoyingly, but were at work so you have to." He plopped America gently onto a bench. "Stop bothering me as much so I can get work done, ok." America huffed at this as he laid down on the bench. "Ugh fuck work! I want affection and cuddles." He said as he stuck his arms out asking for Russia to pick him back up off the bench.

Russia chuckled and abliged him picking America up. "You're lucky I hate them~" America snickered and kissed Russia then gently rested his forehead against his. "I thought that came with the job~" "GET A FUCKING ROOM YOU TWO!" Ukraine holered looking like relitive shit Russia flinched. "Sorry sis.." He said quietly and she chuckled and America rolled his eyes. "YOU, CANCAN, AND MEX SHOULD GET A ROOM!"

She chuckled and walked over handing Russia a vanilla folder and he sighed while taking it. "Lovely more work." She sighed and stretched. "Yeah the humans are throwing us through the ringer with this horse shit going on." America huffed in Russia's arms. "It don't get easier as time goes on trust me."

Canada slipped his arms around Ukraine's hip to hug her from behind which out of reflex caused Uki to elbowed him HARD. "OH MY! FUCK! I'M SO SORRY!" Canada just gave a thumbs up as he laid on the ground in pain as the other three couldn't help but giggle and as Canada sat up he started giggling along as well. "Uki last I checked your really not supposed to do that to your husbaa"

America was not allowed to finish that sentence as Mexico who was standing by the corner glared at him. "Canadian Husband." America corrected and Mex gave his nod of approval. Russia smiled and partially waved at Mexico as they got along decently! Mex waved back a bit then walked over to join the conversation.

The five of them would end up talking for another two hours about the most ridiculous shit.

My countryhuman short stories!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon