Long Nights.

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Moscow paced back and forth anxious, Texas was never late so why is he today?! He sees Tex sprinting over and Moscow knew Texas was going to jump at him so he spread his arms to catch him. "MOSCOW!!!!" Texas screamed as he launched himself into his Russian lover's arms. "TEX!" Moscow said happily as he caught his over energetic American love, swinging him in a circle so as to not fall and to give his lover some more air time. "What made you late, love? You're never late." Moscow said with a twinge of worry in his voice and Tex chuckled, "I had to set something up Moss." Moscow raised an eyebrow, "Oh, is it the special thing you keep talking about vaguely?" Tex chuckled again, nodded, and kissed Moscow on the cheek all while still giggling he started to drag Moscow by the hand to somewhere.

Moscow chuckled following oh so obediently behind his lover. They got to a room with a pinkish red light coming out from under the door. "Close your eyes Moscow~" Moscow blushed as he did as Texas told him. Once Texas was sure Moscow actually had his eyes shut he opened the door after he pushed Moscow who felt the push but didn't fight it and landed onto something that was extraordinarily soft. "You can open your eyes now baby~" Again Moscow did as told and looked upon a room stained red from the light.

As he looked around more he could see different types of whips, chains, gags, cuffs, and knives. "Texas I" Texas laid one finger over Moscow's lips, "Shhh Love I'll take care of you perfectly. Just as long as you behave like a good little dog~~" Moscow blushed as Texas pushed into Moscow and the two made out. "Texas~" Moscow mumbled out and Texas chuckled, "Oh?~ Do you want me to free you." Moscow nodded and Texas pulled off Moscow's clothes.

Texas grabbed the silk ribbon and tied Moscow's hands to the head bored. "Just make it manageable to hide love~" Moscow said worried that they'll be found out. Texas bit Moscow's neck, "Everything will be fine. Just relaxing and have fun~" Moscow nodded and Texas bit harder this time on his shoulder still being careful not to leave any bruising, just yet.~ Texas kissed his chest and made his way down Moscow's body. Then he got down to Moscow's little friend and gently kissed the tip. He smiled as he felt Moscow tense up underneath him. He took it all in as he could hear Moscow's breath hitch. "Tex-" Texas looked up at his lover.

He looked a bit uncomfortable but happy. "It will get better." Texas said after he took lovers dick out of his mouth. "I'm just making it wet so it will go in more easily." Texas said as he bit Moscow's neck then slipped back down. After Moscow got hard he carefully sat Moscow up. "You ready love?" Texas asked the clearly embarrassed Moscow. Who nodded and Texas looked at him, "I would prefer a verbal answer. Because As I've told you I don't want to push you into this. Moscow looked down and Texas went to go untie him. Moscow didn't stop him and when it was all said and done Moscow looked upset.

"What's wrong love?" Texas said as he brushed his lover's hair out of his face. "I'm just.. I thought this time.. I thought I could do it.. we've been planning for weeks.. but I'm still too scared…. Even after all the patiences you've given me.. I'm sorry.. this is the seventh time I've done this." Moscow said, trying not to break down into tears. Texas kissed his forehead, "It's ok love. I'm not angry with you. I know it's hard for you to even get this close due to your trauma. But I'm proud of you. I promised you that you could take all the time in the world. Or if you never feel comfortable enough to do it then we never will have to." Texas said, brushing the tears off of Moscow's face.

"My relationship with you is not about sex love. My relationship with you is about being your support through everything. Because I love you more than I can even fathom." Moscow nodded at his lover's words. And with that Texas helped him get dressed and the two just cuddled for the night.

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