Drunken dazze fucking haze

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Fuck me the days blended as the alcohol took control of the motor and wheels. Hahahaha who fucking cares nowadays all I know life might as well oh shit where. Ohhh hahaha yea yea. So what's that oh na I don't care sure na. Dude dude dude shut up. NO FUCK YOU IM GONAA REXK YA SHIT AN MACE SHURREE YA DON SEE.

ughhhh red and blue.. ahh fuck the cops.. FUCK THE COPS. HUHUHU FUCK MY LUNGS HURT BITCH! HOLY SHIT. aghhhhh I'm all wet ugh... everything hurts.. fucking river ... where am I? God its fucking cold..

"Hey there are you ok?" Whaaaaa who the hell? "De fuck r u?" "Do you mean who the fuck are you and not what the fuck are you?" "Yee weird man." "You're pretty bruised and wet... Did you jump into the river?!!" "Probably." "PROBABLY?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN PROBABLY?!" "don't know ran from de po po." "..sigh you young guys and the bar." "EYY THATS IT!" "I figured as much." "I'm starving wanna grab a bit???"

"It might be best for you to dry off first." "Yeah, I'm freezing my ass off." "What's your name anyway?" "Caleb." "Ray." "Like Ray of light?????" "Sure like Ray of light." "Soo your parents named you off of a sunlamp??" "What?!" "What!? Where's what?!" "I... never mind here let's get you to my place it's not far and you can dry up there." "You're not going to sell me or nothen right?" "Absolutely not what the fuck?!"

"Cool just wanna make sure." .................................................................................................................................

"Vib kill." "YOU WHERE THE ONE WHO MURDERED IT AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY!" "Ah damn slay." "I can't tell if you're getting drunker as we talk or if you're getting more sober and are just talking in slang more to try and confuse me." "Why not both." "Because you can't be both sober and drunk at the same time."

What where am i?????? "Good morning young man." ......"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh your that one dude from... Doctor who!" "Do I really look British??" "Well you sound it." "I do?! Shit! Uh anyway I'm the dude from last night who well yeah whole conversation you definitely forgot." "Ey yea I drank a shit ton." "Not just that." "Ey???" "Hate to tell you bub but you where most likely spiked or you system decided that no matter how much you try and get sober it would get you drunker."

"Shit that my explain why those two chicks keep hitting on me last night.." "Yeah anyway you good to go man?" "Yeah you mind telling me where the nearest park is?" "Two blocks from the front door if you turn left at the first stop sign you see at the end of the road just keep walking straight." Neet.

"Sick thanks man see you!!" "HES GONE DAD!" "Oh thank heavens America. I'm so sorry I had to bother you with that midnight panic I had no idea where to go." "Mhe its cool well see you later old man." "Yep see you later."

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