This Is Halloween! Halloween! AAU#17

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Finland smiled as his truly favorite day had come! He grabbed his costume and started to put it on it's not scary. It's a very sweet costume from a game he loves putting the little handmade wooden mask on, grabbing the two little fake stick candles one Red and one White, the cute tan clothes to match his character, and a brown cape.

Ah dressed as a moth from Sky Children of the Light, he smiled as walked out of the bathroom to see what everyone else was dressed as. America, Soviet, and NK were going as Coraline, Wybie, and the Beldam.

"What are you dressed as?" America asked so confused and Finland waved his hand and turned to open the front door. "I don't really need/" "Yeah that's cool so are you going to go out even though you're an adult?" America said intrigued and Soviet just sighed. "Are you not?" Fin asked confused looking at America who just shook his head no, "Me, Soviet, and NK are going to form a triangle and pass out candy and slowly move closer till we get in a big fight at the end."

Finland nodded and opened the door, "I'll be there and watch." then he left to go get that sweet sweet candy.

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