Outrunning Karma.

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Soviet stood there bleeding from his eye as he stood before Nazi his once so called allie. "Oh look the big bad Russian is bleeding~" The man said in a giggle. "You traitor!" Soviet yelled and Nazi just snickered. "JA! You only figured out now!? Only proves how stupid and inferior you Slavic fools are to use sup/" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!" Soviet screamed as he stood up from the muddy ground. Nazi growled and kicked Soviet in the face. "HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME YOU INSOLENT FOOL!!!" Soviet groaned as he could feel blood dripping from that side of his head. Nazi stepped on Soviets head. "I loth the fact I had to act as your allie. But now I can stomp your pathetic branch out of the genetic pool!!~" Nazi laughed as he walked forward and Soviet could feel the fact that he was being thrown on something. He growled but was weak.. he'll get it when winter gets here.

Soviet stood over the nearly frozen Nazi Germany. "I see you’re super race can't stand a little snow." Soviet said chuckling to the soldiers next to him. Nazi was unable to reply as it felt like his voice was frozen in his throat. "Ah did a little kitty steal your tongue?" Soviet chuckled menacingly as he picked up the near frozen to death Nazi. "Well guess who's turn it is now? My turn~" And with  Soviet violently threw Nazi Germany into the back of a transport truck.

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