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Third smiled as he walked the empty hall. He was happy to be alone for once.. nothing but silence~ Oh the silence~ He could feel his smiple smile turn into a grin he was going to enjoy the silence for as long as he could. Before the whispers come back and force it to get loud again, he hates it when it's loud. Eventually he felt himself get pick up and taken back to his room. He liked his room! His room was always quiet, the people that tend to him are always quiet, and the funny white jacket they keep him in normally is so warm. If only those annoying whispers will go away.. they do after he gets someone to scream. But he does wish there was a different way as the screaming always hurts his ears. OH and the red stuff always smells really bad.

"God what a fucked up kid." Katie said reading my notes from thing's I've gotten out of him. "Also why the fuck do you put it in a weird third person story all the time?" I shrugged. "Character trait. Also I was forced to do an unnecessary creative writing class for my degree. You better bet I'm going to put it into some sort of practice." Katie laughed and shook her head. "Yeah American college ey. Makes me happy I'm Canadian." I rolled my eye's. "Don’t rub it in. That's rude and last I checked by meme rules. Canadians aren't allowed to say rude things without an 'I'm sorry' afterwards."

"I... I can't.." Hannah felt a hand on her back as she two let out her last gasp as a scream and Third smiled. "Thank you Miss Hannah! It's quiet now."

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