" it's not you, it's me .. "

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*April 3, 1991*

-Michael's point of view

| CobbleStone High School |

"We are the world, we are the children. We are the ones to make a brighter day so let's start giving. There's a choice we're making, we're saving our own lives. It's true we'll make a better day just you and me." My students sung aloud, a few were out of tune. I sighed and stopped playing with the piano. "No, no guys. Some of you are still not feeling it. You have to feel it. It has to come from the heart or else it won't sound true." One of the students smacked their lip and rolled their eyes. "Maybe, we don't want to sing some bullshit song like this, what is this doing for us? This song is stupid and so damn corny." My eyes narrowed at the young redhead girl named Brittany. Brittany was one of the most rudest kids I've ever met before. She was the worst in music class. She and I are always getting into it. She never wants to participate. She's never on time. She is always talking back.

I've had several meetings with her parents about her behavior. Sadly, it never worked. Nothing ever worked. Even me, going to the principal begging them to remove her elsewhere. It wasn't anything they could do. The classes were filled up for the semesters and classes became too full. So I have to deal with her until early next year. Ugh. My nostrils stretched, as my body grew hot. Her stupid comment, caused the others to laugh. And so did she, while biting her lower lip while looking me up and down. I sighed and stretched my lips. "Well if it's so corny, feel free not to sing it. Feel free to fail this class for the semester, I don't care." She scoffed as her cheeks reddened. "Ohh how professional of you Jackson. So perfect of you to entice your students to fail. I'm sure Mr. Holbrook would love to hear this."

The students began to ooh and do wolf whistles in the classroom. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "I'm not enticing you to do anything. Don't ever call me Jackson again. It's Mr. Jackson. You're only failing yourself when you refuse to participate in class. You fail yourself by coming to class late everyday. You fail yourself by always having something negative to say out of your mouth young lady. Don't turn this around on me, when it's all on you." Danny snickered while standing next to Brittany. "Ooh he told you." He said between laughter. The class erupted into laughter after his comment. Her face grew extremely red as she pulled her curls out of her face and rolled her eyes at me. She took a seat and threw the sheet of paper down, and folded her legs. "No sitting young lady, we have to sing again." - "Psh, bullshit if you think I'm singing this dumb shit again." - "You know what young lady get out. Out of my classroom NOW!" I yelled.

A few students gasped and some snickered at the sound of my raising voice. Brittany sat there like a statue, refusing to do as i commanded. She stared through me with angered eyes. Her blue eyes darkened before mines. I lifted a brow, and rose from the piano. "Did you hear me? I said, I want you out." I repeated pointing my hand at the door. She shrugged and played with her fingernails while keeping her eyes on me. "Britt I'm not joking. Remove yourself now. You can't respect me, so I don't want you here.. Goodbye.." She still didn't move. "Come on Britt, just do what he says. Why are you being difficult?" She narrowed her eyes at Danny and loosened her legs from one another. "Because the last time I checked he wasn't my father.. I'll leave when I'm good and damn ready.." - "Fine Brittany, I'll just call your parents again.." I said stretching the "a" and "n".

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