"give into me"

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-Daisy's House

•Jesika's Point Of View•

I put my hands over my head and sighed. Michael will not stop calling me. He has even blown up Daisy's phone. She keeps begging him to stop calling her but he doesn't listen he continues to call. I don't care about anything he has to say. I truly don't. I saw what I saw and I'm angry about it. His little "I don't remember act" will not work with me. Gosh, how could he sleep with her? She's only 18. I should've seen it coming. Just when I thought not all men were the same, Michael truly changed that for me. If he wants to mess around with that  young girl, then so be it. I will not be around to entertain his foolishness.

I've cried all night and asked myself why. Why can't I just be with someone who loves me? Why does everyone have to continuously hurt me. I wanted to call my mother so badly about Michael's deceit. But, I know she would only rub it in my face. I made Daisy promise not to tell anyone about anything she had seen. She promised me. I ran my fingers through my curls and shook my head.

"He has called me more than twenty times this morning." Daisy whined while handing me a cup of coffee. "I .. don't g-get it." I struggled to say. "Yeah, I don't either." Daisy agreed. "I just turned my phone off. It's getting annoying." She said. I looked over at her and stretched my lips and nodded before taking a sip of my coffee.

•Michael's Point Of View•

I threw my phone down and screamed while running my fingers in my curls. I know the two of them see me calling. It's frustrating to me that they won't pick up. I just want to explain my side. I know I didn't touch that girl. I didn't sleep with her either. I'm not even attracted to Brittany. I can't even explain how my clothes left my body. I don't even remember undressing myself. I called Brittany over so we could talk. She has some explaining to do.

•Moments Later•

I sat in my living room staring up at the ceiling while releasing a sigh. Brittany hasn't shown up yet. She was supposed to be here an hour ago. I'm really not in the mood for any charades right now. Brittany is in the middle of this whole mess and this needs to get resolved. I'm so tempted to go over to Daisy's to get my love. But I don't want to cause anymore drama than it is.

But I can't help but think that Jesika and I are really over for good. I saw it in her eyes. It was evident in her tone. Everytime I think of it I cry. I haven't told anyone about what happened. Because I'm ashamed. I can't even give her a full explanation as to how I got naked or how those hickeys appeared on my body. I truly don't remember any of it. All of this is too much I need some air. Some fresh air.

I grabbed my keys and went for a drive.

3:15 PM

•Jesika's Point Of View•

-Shopping Mall

"Jesika that is beautiful on you. You are going to kill in this dress tonight." Daisy exclaimed. I smirked and shook my head. "I - I don't th-think .." " "Ohh no you don't. We are going. You need to get out tonight. We haven't done this in so long." I lifted a brow and nodded in agreement. "Yeah you're right." I said. Daisy looked at me and cried. "I'm so glad you're able to speak again. I knew you would fight this." She pulled me in a hug and held the back of my head. I closed my eyes and smiled.

We left one of the shopping stores and decided to walk around a bit. We locked arms and sung along with the music that was playing throughout the building. It felt so good to be out the house and hanging with the girl I love. I stopped in my tracks and swallowed hard when I saw the last person that I wanted to see. He stood there with a Victoria Secret bag in his hand. He forced a smile and waved. I sighed and looked down.

"Ohh gosh what is he doing here?" Daisy said. "Let's just keep walking." I did as told until he stepped in front of me. "Jesika please." He begged while touching my arm. I pulled away and rolled my eyes. "Please baby. Let me talk to you." He begged grabbing on my waist. "Let her go. She doesn't want to talk to you. Now get lost." Daisy said. I swallowed hard and looked him up and down. "I don't want to do this here. So please." He begged again. I looked at Daisy and gave her puppy eyes. "Five minutes." I said. She scoffed and shook her head. "Fine."

She walked away leaving me and him alone. I folded my arms and lifted my brows. "You look .. You look good." He complimented. "W-what do you want?" A big smile formed on his face. "You're talking now. You sound beautiful, just like I remembered." He said while rubbing my cheekbone with his free hand. I got lost in his eyes and forgot how mad I was. He pulled me closer to him and told me he missed me. I looked down and shook my head. "I swear I don't remember anything. I swear. I don't know what happened."

That response made me angry all over again. "Michael I've got to go. This is not the time or place." - "No wait look what I've got you." He said while handing me the bag. I couldn't help but smile while looking him in the eyes. "Are you going somewhere?" He asked motioning his hand to my bag. "Maybe." I told him. "Where are you going?" " "What do you care?" I said.  "I wanna see you tonight." " "No Michael you can't." " "I just want to talk to you." " "I don't know about that. I need some space. I'm still  hurt by what you did." " "But I didn't do anything I swear." " "Goodbye Michael." I said pulling from his grip. "Thanks for the gift."

•Later on that night•

I wasn't really up to going out tonight but I didn't want to let Daisy down. We haven't had a girls night out in such a long time. I rubbed my bare shoulders and looked around at everyone dancing, laughing and having a good time. It made me think of him. How much fun we had together. Maybe I'm being too hard on him. Maybe he is telling me the truth. Maybe Brittany has something to do with this after all. Maybe this was her intention.
A lot of thoughts came rushing through my brain. Daisy came back with a drink for herself and I and we talked for awhile. After three drinks she excused herself to go to the restroom.

"Excuse me but is this seat taken?" I looked over and it was .. Michael.

Michael is not giving up. Stay tuned loves!!!

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