"let it go.."

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**Jesika's Point Of View**



"Ugh Jesika, will you turn that stupid phone off. It's annoying." Daisy screamed across the table. We were at La Hacienda eating cheese dip with tortilla chips. I smirked and rolled my eyes. I pulled my phone out and it was a text from Michael it read:

"Jesika. Can you call me?"

I responded.

"I can't, I'm with Daisy now."

I put my phone away and looked up. Daisy smirked and shook her head. I giggled and dipped my chip into some cheese. "W-What?" She lifted a brow and nodded. "So are you two on again?" - "Noooo we're not. We -" - "Are just friends." She cut in while singing. I giggled and shook my head. "So, what's going on between you two?" I took a deep breath. "Well. He did tell me that he was still in love with me. And wanted to start over?" - "O..Kay and?" She said waiting to hear more. "And.. I don't know D. I don't want either one of us to get hurt again. Because, we hurt one another badly before. It wasn't good."

Daisy put her head down and started humming while leaning over for some more dip. She giggled in between. It tickled my stomach that I began laughing too. "What? What's so funny." - "Nope my lips are sealed." - "Ohh no come on tell me." I begged. She took a sip of her drink and wiped the corners of her mouth. "Jesi. I think you should give it a shot. See where it goes. Just go on a date with him. You have to let go of all that, let it go. He certainly has, why can't you?" I bit my lower lip and nodded in agreement. "You're right! You're right! One date wouldn't hurt right?" - "See, there you go." She applauded.

"So you should call him." - "You've changed your heart all of a sudden." - "Yeah. That's because I believe in chances. And so should you." She said leaning over squeezing my nose. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.



I responded.

"I'll call you when I'm done, I promise. <3"

"Really, you will?"

"Lol yes. ;)"

" ;) ;) ;)"

I put my phone away and blushed while putting my hand over my lips.


"I'm really glad you decided to come out with me tonight." Michael said reaching for my hand across the table. I took his hand and smiled. He gave me a deep stare and smiled. In his eyes I could see a form of regret. I could really see it this time. He tells me everyday how sorry he is for hurting me and leaving me in the dust. He tells me he wished he had stood by my side to share the full truth with Anthony that he was the man I wanted. No matter how many times he has said it, in my heart I just couldn't believe it. But tonight, I do. He looks so sorry.

"It was my pleasure. I'm glad I'm here." I told him sincerely. He bit his lip and looked down to mines. He's been doing that all night. But, I'm not going to give him the satisfaction. I want to take things slow. Very, very slow. I tilted my head and squeezed his hand. "Okay so I was thinking since I'm loving the way the night is ending. I think we should date. Maybe, see where it goes. Under one condition?" His eyes lit up and his body straightened up in the chair." Yes, what?" He asked. "We would have to take things really, really slow." I told him. His smile faded for a second then reappeared. "Ohh. Y-Yeah I can.. *clears throat* I can do that. Sure." I giggled and shook my head. "You wanna take a walk now?" He asked me. "Yeah sure."

We went to one of our favorite restaurants. It had a beautiful and long breezeway with a beautiful view and gorgeous lights. "Yeah sure." I told him. He left a check at the table and we made our way to the breezeway.


After the night was over we hugged one another goodbye. He held my face and kissed my forehead. I told him he didn't have to walk me to my car that I was going to the restroom and didn't want to keep him waiting. He made me promise to call once I've gotten home. I did of course. We smiled and parted ways. After leaving the restroom I walked to the parking lot myself to get to my car. I hummed while looking for my keys in my purse. I got inside and drove home.

After pulling into the driveway, I turned off the ignition and got out. My neck started to feel a bit sore. I winced in pain and rubbed the back of my neck. The strangest feeling began to rush upon me. But I brushed it off and went inside. I threw my keys on the counter and started a bubble bath. My mind ran on Michael all of a sudden. But I have to get rid of this sudden soreness. So I'll call him after my bath. I got undressed and stepped inside.

I rested my body inside the warm bubble bath, and released a moan as the water took a toll on my body. It felt so good towards my skin. I sighed and closed my eyes. I thought about my whole day today. I couldn't help but smile. I'm glad I'm becoming a forgiving person again. Michael deserves another chance. And I'm going to do just that. I just hope he doesn't hurt me again. I hope I don't hurt him again.

My phone soon rung which caused me to scream.

I sighed and picked up.

"Yes, hello?"




"Ohh my gosh hello?" I screamed.

"I'm watching you. Stay away." Someone whispered.

"What?" I asked.

**Hangs up.**

"H-hello? Hello?" I screamed.

A disturbing noise soon erupted. It sounded like shattered glass. Shattered glass that came from the bathroom window. I screamed and looked up. It was a brick. Someone threw a brick through my window. The person then started beating on my window. I screamed and jumped out of the water. I grabbed my phone too. I heard glass shatter again outside my house. It came from my car. Because my alarm went off. I ran out the bathroom and dialed 911.

I locked myself in my room as i heard my door knob being rattled in the front room. I closed my eyes tightly and said a silent prayer while crying.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Yes. S-someone is trying to break in. My windows are broken. H-help me please." I cried.

"Okay we will have someone out there for you okay?"

"No, please don't hang up. Please stay -"

Battery died.

**to be continued**

&quot;We Are Just Friends&quot;Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant