" want my life back "

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~The Next Day~

*Jesika's Point Of View*

I sat in the mirror and pulled my hair up in a ponytail. I lowered my hands and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I placed both hands over my nose and broke down in tears and shook my head.

My mother is dying. I don't understand why I'm going through this. I'm suffering enough. I don't need anymore stress on me.

Now I have to rebuild my home, rebuild my wardrobe. I have to start over and replace things that I worked so hard for because of an evil individual.

It's not fair.

I can't eat. I couldn't sleep. I just want my life back.

*knock on door*

"Hey J. Michaels on the phone for you."

I looked behind me and saw that it was Daisy. She saw me in tears and covered the mouthpiece over the cordless phone with her hand.

"You ok?"

She mouthed.

I sighed and nodded.

I got up and handed for the phone. She gave it to me and left me alone.

I cleared my throat and placed the phone to my ear.


"Hey golden beauty, how are you?"

My heart warmed a bit and I smirked a little.

"I'm okay."

"Are you dressed? I'm on the way to you."

"Yes I am."

"Good, because ... I'm actually here. Look behind you."

I furrowed my brows and looked behind my shoulder.

The phone damn near slipped out of my hand as I stood wide eyed and grew stunned.

He wore a black leather jacket with a white shirt that was cut in the middle exposing a bit of his chest. He wore his usual slacks and usual shoes.

He bit his lip and smirked at me while putting away his phone. I smiled and hung up the phone.

I waved and mouthed hey.

He walked towards me and held my face while staring me deeply in the eyes.

I half way smirked and sighed. He kissed my forehead and held me. I closed my eyes and held him as well.

"I told you I'd be here."

He whispered as his chest vibrated against my forehead.

"Thank you Michael."

I whispered back. He kissed my hair and held me tighter.

Moments Later

~Jesika's House~

I stared at my home outside Michaels vehicle and sighed deeply. I was not looking forward into going inside. I know it's a tragic.

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