" loneliness "

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**Jesika's Point Of View**

"Well.." He asked with his brows lifted. I gulped hard and pushed the door open so I could get out. "It's not what you think Michael." I explained, combing my hair to the side with my hand. I sat on the foot of his bed and looked him in the eyes. "I promise it's not." I said taking a massive sigh afterwards. He look unconvinced as he nodded his head at me. I looked down in guilt. "Well how can you explain this then? It looks like what it seems like." - "No you're wrong Michael. I just have it for my own protection." - "Yeah I know that. So I'm not good enough now to protect you?" He said defensively. "Nnno. That's not what I'm saying." - "Then what are you saying? Please help me understand." He said setting the gun aside. I closed my eyes and swallowed spit. "Michael stop getting angry and just hear me out okay?" I begged while looking in his eyes. He folded his arms and backed himself against the wall. His brown eyes darkened before me. He was so disturbed.

"I'm still scared. Very, very scared. I didn't tell you any of this because I didn't want to worry you. This is my problem and I'm not a teenager anymore. Times have changed and I have to look out for me. I'm not safe when I'm alone. When you aren't around I feel so unsafe. So I bought it to protect me." - "How long have you had this?" He asked. I bit down on my bottom lip. "A-A few months." His eyes stretched, as he released a sigh. I lifted his body from the wall and began pacing back and forth while running his fingers through his curls. I sighed and lifted myself from the bed."

"Michael stop, come here." I whispered grabbing his hands. He looked down to the floor shaking his head. I pulled his face close to mines and kissed every inch of his face, convincing him everything was going to be okay. It took him awhile to give in, but he couldn't resist as I played with his "spot". He moaned lightly and grabbed my face. He wrestled his lips on mines and pushed his tongue in and out of my lips. I moaned and ran my hands all through his hair. His hands snuck underneath his big-sized flannel shirt I had on. He squeezed my buttocks, and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I soon felt my body falling towards the bed. His body hovered over mines as I rubbed my hands all over his body.


** Michael's Point Of View **

There was a knock at my door, as I laid across my couch watching tv. I furrowed my brows and looked to my door. I wasn't expecting anyone. I sighed and got up. I went to my door to open it. And it was Brittany. "H-hi. What are you doing here?" I asked. She shrugged and gave me a half-smile. "You said I could drop by whenever I needed someone to talk to remember?" - "Yeah, that's right. Come in please." She nodded and stepped in. I closed the door behind me. "Come in here so we could talk." I said inviting her in the kitchen so that we could take a seat on the island. "What's wrong Brittany?" She sighed and looked down. "Mr. Jackson I-" - "I give you permission to call me Michael since we're not in school." She bit her lip. "Well, Michael. I wish I had a different life. My family still ignores me. This guy I like ignores me. The only time I feel like I have the most attention is when my older brother visits. We are very close and he spends a lot of time with me. He lives out of state. I feel so lonely at times. What's the point of me being here? I don't want to be." I sighed and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't talk like that. Life is precious and sweet. It isn't the end of the world ok? I know what it feels like to be invisible." She lifted her eyes to mines. "You were once invisible? I find that hard to believe." - "Why?" She scoffed and chuckled. "Michael you have everything. You have a nice home, nice car, lots of money." I giggled. "Umm. Lots of money? What makes you think that?" - "You drive a Mercedes Michael." She says quickly, while lifting a brow afterwards.

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