"wedding bells"

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**Jesika's Point Of View**

"Okay you are my friend and I love you and all. But this has got to be the dumbest decision you have ever made." Daisy yelled while doing my makeup. I scoffed and shrugged. "Not for you to judge or understand D. It's what I chose to do alright?" I said annoyed. "But why?" She asked. I sighed. "Because he's my friend. That's why. He needs me." - "Ohh now he needs you so he can rub it in your face right? He was the one that broke your heart. He was the reason you left. He was the reason Anthony left you too." I sighed and removed her hand from my face. "I've got it. You can leave now." I said getting up from my stool to stand in the mirror. I filled in any spots that were left undone with the smoky grey-purple eyeshadow she was putting on to fill my eyelids.

"Come on J. You know I mean no harm. I'm just telling you how I feel." - "Daisy I don't care right now. I don't care how anyone feels. Can anyone think of me for one moment? Why can't I do what makes me happy? Why must I satisfy everyone? Besides, you were the one who told him where I lived. So don't make it out like I am the reason this all happened." - "You're right. And I'm sorry. I really am. I just .. I just don't want to see you hurt that's all. Sorry he caught me while I was drunk. I was pretty fucked up that night, now that I think about it." That night reappeared in my head, I couldn't help but chuckle. Daisy giggled too and hugged me from behind. "Yes I got you to smile." - "You're lucky I love you." - "Great, now let me finish your face. So I can curl your hair." I smiled and took a seat back on the stool and closed my eyes.

"You look stunning girl. You may get lucky tonight and find someone tonight at the reception." I giggled. "No thank you. I won't be interested. Yet, that wouldn't be a bad idea." - "Hell no it wouldn't be. It's nothing wrong with dating. But, what about Daryl?" I scoffed and scrunched my nose. "Ewww.. Hell no. He is not my type. At all." Daisy screeched in laughter. "Yeah I noticed. Sorry about that by the way. I was only looking out." - "Let me find my own man. Leave it to me please." I begged. We both couldn't help but chuckle. After filling in my lashes with mascara. She painted my lips with some nude lipstick. "This should've been your wedding day. We should be hearing your wedding bells." She said brokenly.

"D. Stop worrying about me. I am fine, I promise I am. I'm going to be okay. Stop feeling sorry for me." - "It just hurts to see him move on with someone else. Let alone marry them." - "It's called moving on. That's what we've done. And I like it that way. Just him and I as friends." I said softly as my eyes trailed to the ground. "Friends. We are just friends." I said even softer.

**CHURCH- 2:15 PM**

**Michael's Point Of View**

I cleared my throat as I sat in a waiting room with a stool and a mirror. I looked at my reflection and swallowed hard. I tightened my black tie around my collar while my hands began to shake. This is the moment Shana and I have been waiting for. I have to be honest I am nervous. Today is the day that I give my life to another woman. A new woman that I barely even knew one year ago. Today is the day where I can no longer think of my wants and needs anymore. What's hers is mines and what's mines is hers. Today we will become one. So that means we both have to do whatever makes one happy. My mind keeps telling me I am ready. And then my heart keeps telling me "Don't do it Mike, do you really know this woman? Can you really trust her? Can you trust yourself enough not to hurt her? Does she really do your heart any good?" I sighed and closed my eyes as I felt beads of sweat trickle down my forehead. I took a glass of water and tried to calm myself.

Mother was surprised to hear that Jesika had accepted my invitation to be here today. Truthfully, she's excited to see her again. The two have always been so close. We were always her favorite couple back then. I began to smile as I looked back on how many times we spent together and with Mother. It was always so fun. All we did was laugh and have a good time. I miss that. I miss it alot. Mother hasn't met Shana personally. She has only had several phone conversations with her. But, it's great the two gets along. I haven't spoke to Shana yet. I wonder if she's nervous just as much as I am. Because I really, really am.

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