" forgive but never forget "

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Greenville Hospital, 12:21 PM

Michael caressed his thumb across Jesika's knuckles gently. Jesika bit the corner of her lips nervously while staring him deeply in the eyes. They were both seated in the hospital room waiting patiently for the doctor to return with the results.

"I think we should do lunch after this Jesi. I'm really hungry." He whispered in her ear.

Jesika began chuckling and agreed.

"Where do you want to go?"


"Mm yeah that would be yummy."

Jesika said happily while rubbing her tummy.

He took a deep breath and rested his head on her shoulder and began humming a lullaby.

Jesika couldn't help but blush and chuckle at him.

"We don't even know yet Michael."

"Soon we will."

He whispered while wrapping his arms around her waist. Jesika smiled even wider and closed her eyes.

The door soon opened causing their attention. The doctor smiled and cooed at the two in a loving position.

The doctor looked down at the clipboard and schemed her eyes through the paperwork.

"Well, from the looks of the things and the testing of your urine Ms. Golden it looks like you are .."

She lifted her eyes to Jesika and she couldn't read her expression or thoughts. Jesika grew nervous again and took a deep breath.

"Indeed pregnant."

She stated while looking Michael in the eyes as well. Michael howled excitedly as Jesika sat frozen. Michaels reaction was priceless to the doctor that she bursted out into laughter.

"C-can I see the results if you don't mind?"

Jesika asked while in disbelief.

She handed her the clipboard and her eyes widened at the results it stated "Positive 3 or 4 weeks."

She placed her hand over her mouth. "Oh my gosh." She whispered to herself. The doctor smiled and took away the clipboard and excused herself to leave the two alone.

Jesika began crying. Michael held her and rubbed her arms. "Michael this is really real. We are having a baby. All along I thought my body was suffering with stress because I was late. But, all along I've been carrying a life inside of me. So funny how life works."

Michael gave her a peck on the cheek and held her as tight as he could.

"I'm going to be a great father and you are going to be a great mommy you'll see."

"I sure hope so Michael. I hope so." She whispered while squeezing his hand.


The Next Day

Mother was on Jesika's mind heavily she thought she'd stop by to make a visit and tell her mother the good news. Jesika still didn't know how to take the unbelievable news.

She didn't know how to feel. She didn't know whether to be happy or sad. It was all still a shock to her. All she knew was that she was having a baby and made a promise to herself and Michael that she would keep it.

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