" im so blue "

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** pic above is Jesika **

| Bon Secours Hospital |

Intensive Care Unit, 1:30 PM

** Michael's Point Of View **

"Mr. Jackson we do have to ask does Ms. Barranco have any enemies?" The detective asked. I sniffled and wiped my face. "Nnnooo. I don't think so." I told him. "We are investigating a possibility of attempted murder. Ms. Barrancos brake line was cut." My eyes stretched out of my head. "Oh my gosh, WHAT? You're kidding." - "Afraid not Mr. Jackson." I looked down to the floor and shook my head, as more water fell from my eyes. I haven't had a chance to speak to any of the doctors to tell me anything about Jesika's condition. I've been pulled to the side quickly after being contacted by a detective. Who is now grilling me with questions.

"Are you sure no one would want to see Ms. Barranco hurt?" I tried my hardest to think, but couldn't think of anyone. I nodded my head. "Nnnoo." I whispered. "You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with this, would you?" He asked. "Gosh, no. I LOVE HER! The last thing, I would ever want to do is hurt her." - "Well, you did tell me you two had an argument last night. Perhaps you snapped." - "Yes, we had an argument. But, I wouldn't try and hurt her for it. I love her deeply." I said looking him deeply in the eyes, with tears running from my face. "Alright. Alright. I just had to rule you out as a suspect. We will keep in touch, okay?" I nodded and looked away. "Okay."

He walked away before patting me on the back. I saw a doctor walk past me. "Hi, excuse me? I was told my girlfriend was sent here an hour ago." - "Ok, what's her name?" - "Jesika Barranco." Her lips parted once I mentioned her name. She gulped hardly. "Umm, what's your name?" - "Michael." She took a deep breath. "Well, Michael. It's not good." I took a deep breath and cried. "Wh-What's wrong with her?" I asked. "She was in an accident. A 16-wheeler collided with her vehicle and flipped her vehicle 3 or 4 times. Ms. Barranco has suffered serious injuries. She has a broken arm and leg. She also has some serious head injuries that has caused swelling to her brain." - "OHH GOSH!" She stretched her lips and nodded. "She completed surgery but is unable to breath on her own, we have her on a breathing tube. Her brain swelling is so intensive that she may suffer permanent damage such as memory loss, sight loss, speech loss. It's really not good sir."

All I could do was cry. Who on Gods green earth would do something like this to her? Look what they've done to her? It's all my fault. I should've protected her more. I should've been there with her last night. Instead I stayed stuck in my feelings, and ignored her calls last night and today. She must hate me. "Is she going to make it?" I asked. "That's what we are hoping for. She doesn't have any brain activity whatsoever." - "Can I go see her Dr .." - "Klein. I'm Dr. Klein. She really can't have any visitors right now. But since you're the only one here. You can go. But for only 30 minutes. She's very sensitive at this time. Come on I'll show you to her room."

I followed behind. My gosh just hearing the health of my girlfriend is sending shockwaves all over my body. I'm scared. I'm mad. I feel guilty. I have a lot of emotions running through me. I don't know how I'm going to handle any of this at all. "Ok this is her room. Be very quiet please." I nodded and took a deep breath before putting my hand on the door. "It's ok just go in okay?" I went inside and broke down instantly. She was laying there, she looked so helpless. Her beautiful face was filled with bruises. Her full head was covered in bandage. Her arm and leg was covered in bandage as well. I can't believe what I'm seeing. What hurts more is seeing her connected to all of these machines, and seeing that breathing tube covering her mouth. I feel like I'm in a nightmare that I can't awake from.

"Jesika, I'm so sorry." I cried. "Fuck, I'm sorry." I grabbed her hand and lowered my head to kiss it. I sniffled and kissed her face. "Baby, I love you. Do you hear me? This is all my fault. I didn't protect you." I sobbed and rested my face in her neck and cried.

** 7:15 PM **

It was so hard leaving her there all alone and by herself. She is all I'm thinking about. I miss her smile. I miss looking in her eyes. I miss running my fingers through her hair. I wish I could talk to her. To tell her how sorry I am. I was such a dick to her last night. Why'd I allow my feelings to overpower my mind? I want to know who did this? I want to know who the asshole was that tried to break into her home a few months ago and tried to harm her? I want to know who flattened her tires and bust her windows? I want to know who? I need the answers now. The more I think about the hell they put her through the more I cry and get angered. There was a knock at my front door. I sighed, and threw my covers over my head. I don't feel like getting up. I don't feel like talking either.

The knocking continued. It grew annoying. I hopped out of the bed and went to my front door. I opened it. "Yes. What do you -" I stopped in my tracks as I saw the unexpected figure standing at my door. It was Shana.

** To be continued**

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