" i have to do this.. "

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**Michaels Point Of View**

"So, Shana you really don't mind her helping?" I asked as our bodies sat naked in a warm bubble bath. She giggled against my neck and sighed while running water through my curls. She sat behind me as as we snuggled tightly in the warm bubble bath. She wrapped her arms around my neck, as I locked my fingers with hers. "For the millionth time baby.. No I don't mind .. I told you I trust you.." I smiled and kissed her wet fingertips. "I'm glad you do." - "If I didn't trust you I wouldn't be marrying you." She whispered in my ear while moving her hands to caress my bare chest. "Yeah I know .. Sorry." She soon moaned and nibbled on my earlobe. I closed my eyes and sighed. "This was really nice Shana.. I wasn't expecting this."

She was sweet enough to run me a bubble bath and fill them with rose petals. She had soft music playing on the radio to keep me soothed after a long day. She traced kisses on the sides of my face and continued running water through my hair. I lifted my head more to get comfortable on her breasts and soon drifted off to sleep ..


**Jesika's Point Of View**

I sat in silence with mommy at the dinner table. "Baby you okay?" She asked me. I forced a smile and lifted my eyes to her. " Ohh y-yeah I'm fine .. Just fine.." I nodded digging my fork back into the pasta she had made. Mother lifted a brow and put her fork down. She cuffed her hand under her chin and sighed. "Ohh come on Yana, tell me the truth.. I know there's something wrong, you've been quiet all day.." She only called me by my middle name when she knew I wasn't being truthful. I shrugged and sighed. "I told you nothing mommy. Okay?" I said irritably, that she wouldn't leave it alone.

"You told me you were fine. It's got to be something bugging you. Please tell me." I sighed and put my fork down, staring at the plate of food before me. My eyes began to water. The tears that I've been holding in all night. So confused as to why I want to cry. I grabbed a napkin and caught an unexpected tear that fell from the crack of my eye. "Baby what's wrong?" She said while pushing her body out of the chair to walk over. She kneeled before me. I was quick to wipe my tears away so that she wouldn't see me cry. "Ohh mommy. I shouldn't have came back." I whispered while covering my eyes with my hands. She sighed and pulled my hands down. My eyes welled up with tears, and I refused to let them fall.

"Talk to me what is it." - "Mommy I saw Michael." I finally admitted, while closing my eyes. Her breathing thickened as she squeezed my hands a bit. "You what? Where'd you see the asshole?" I opened my eyes and sighed. "At work." Her eyes stretched and she gasped loudly. "Whaaaaatt!? Who is he marrying?" - "Shana." - "The strange girl who offers strangers rides home?" I nodded and sighed. "Yeah her." I said plainly. "Mommy why did he have to come back in my life? I was just perfect without him. Now I have to arrange this stupid reception and I really don't want to." I said brokenly.

"Well don't do it. Tell them to find someone else damn it. Hell I'll call Annette myself and have you reassigned.." She said starting to walk away, but I stopped her. "Mommy no. Mommy stop." She kneeled down and held my face. "What?" - "This is my job and I have to do this. I'm a big girl and can handle myself. I'll be okay." - "Don't tell me you're still in love with this guy?" - "Ohh gosh no. I couldn't love someone who didn't love me anymore. It just hurts to be around the past." - "If it hurts baby, then that means you still care.." - "But I don't. I really don't." I said quickly. "Baby it's just that ever since Anthony left, you haven't been yourself lately. I'm so worried baby." I sighed in frustration. "Gosh momma must you bring him up? He is old news!"

"We Are Just Friends"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant