" better than me "

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*Jesika's Point Of View*

8:27 p.m.

| California Dreaming |

"Mom, please promise me that you'll be nice tonight." I pleaded across the dinner table. She sighed and rolled my eyes. "Yes Barranco." I groaned and reached for her hand. "Mommy please stop. Don't lie to me. The only time you call me by my last name is when you're being untruthful. I really need you on your best behavior tonight." - "Jesi, it's not like it's my first time meeting him. Why do I have to be on my best behavior?" - "Maybe because he called this dinner to defuse your issues." - "I'd rather be home to be honest with you." - "You know mom if you really cared about my happiness you wouldn't have said that." I said brokenly while removing my hand from hers. She started to say something until. "Hey ladies, so sorry I'm late. My car wouldn't start." He said leaning over giving me a kiss.

"Ohh it's okay baby. Glad you could make it." He pulled his lips from mines and smiled. He looked over at my mom and gulped hardly. "S-Susan he-hey. Thanks so much for coming." He said while reaching for her hand. He kissed between her knuckles. She forced a smile and tilted her head. I can't believe her. She has some nerve saying that to me. I can't even look at her right now. Michael took a seat next to me and drank some water from his glass. I could tell he was nervous.

I smiled and rubbed his knee with my free hand. He looked over at me and smiled. He locked his eyes with mines and continued smiling. We seem to do this a lot. We can't stand being a minute away from each other. My mom soon cleared her throat catching our attention. We looked over at her. "So Michael, Jesika said that you wanted to speak with me." He cleared his throat and tucked his curls behind his ears. Oh my gosh his nervousness is everything. It's hard for me to control myself.

We may have to cut this dinner short. And I mean really short. He licked the cracks of his lips. "Y-Yes. That's right." - "Ok?" My mom said impatiently. He forced a smile. "Right." Mom lifted a brow. I could tell she was growing irritable. "Baby, just tell her how you feel. It's okay." - "Well Susan I know things between me and your daughter haven't been a fairytale. And I take full responsibility for that. I shouldn't have let her get away. I shouldn't have allowed  her to slip so easily. But, you have to know that I love your daughter very much."

"I'm wanting to spend the rest of my life with her, and soon make her my wife. But, I can't help but notice that you don't want me in her life. And that hurts." - "Hurt? Did you say hurt?" She said while leaning  over the table while squinting her eyes. Michael cornered his eyes from side to side. "Well ye-yes. Yes. Hurt." She banged her hand against the table causing attention in the restaurant. "You have the nerve to mention hurt. What about the hurt you caused my daughter. She might've forgiven you but I haven't." - "Ohh my gosh mom please." - "Be quiet Yana." She exclaimed.

I looked away and shook my head. "I invited you to my home and you were still deceitful. You continued your relationship with that girl it damn near tore my baby apart. You used me, until that girl was ready to take you in. And you used her too. And now you want my daughter back so that she can maybe help benefit you like the other girl." - "No! No way! I love your daughter. You've got it all wrong." - "You've gotta be out of your fucking mind if you think I'll ever let you marry my daughter. It'll be over my dead body." My mom clenched angrily through her teeth. "Susan how many times do I have to say I'm sorry? I really am sorry." - "Sorry isn't enough. It isn't. I never wanted my daughter to end up like me. Like some damn divorcee. I wanted her to be better than me. Maybe it's my fault because I pushed her on Anthony in the beginning. But, it's your fault too. You should've never left her from the start. You were her everything. She cherished you." Michael looked down and swallowed hard. Water filled her eyes and so did mines.

"Baby I just want better for you. That's all I want." - "But Mom I am better. I'm better than I've been in years. This man makes me complete. I love him to the depth of my soul. Why can't you see that?" My mom sighed and dabbed the corner of her eyes. She looked directly at me. "Because I know him. I know men like him. He's nothing but an opportunist. He wants something. That's why he wants you back." - "Susan, I don't need anyone for anything. I work for what I want. All I need is her love. That's enough for me." - "Bullshit. Bull ... Shit." Michael swallowed hard and sat frozen. My mom grabbed her purse and stood up. "Thank you for the dinner, but no thank you." She walked over to give me a kiss on the cheek and left. I sighed and put my hand over my head. Michael got up and stormed out. I got up and ran after him.

"Michael! Michael! I screamed trying to catch up with him as he stormed down the pavement upset. He ignored and continued waking. I screamed his name some more times until he finally gave in and stopped walking. "Yeah, what?" He asked. I was out of breath as I finally caught up with him. "Wh-Where are you going?" - "For a walk." - "But why?" - "I need to think ok?" He snapped. I looked down and shook in understanding.

"I'm sorry about tonight." - "Are you?" He said. I lifted my eyes to his. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "Nothing. Just forget it. I've gotta go." I grabbed his wrist. "Wait." - "No, let go." He demanded. "You didn't defend me at all." - "But I tried. I really did." - "Well, you didn't try hard enough. You didn't." I swallowed hard and stretched my eyes. Damn, maybe he's right. I thought. "Later." He said while walking away. I started to say something, but I was too upset because he had already said too much.

I walked away and sighed.

**Michael's Point Of View**

Water filled my eyes as my body poured with rage. My girlfriend did nothing to stand at my defense. She just sat there allowing her mom to ridicule me. Sure, she tried and told her mom I made her complete and that she loved me. But, it just wasn't enough. Susan's remarks are stuck in my mind completely. It has me thinking a lot. Did I use Shana? Was I an opportunist to her? She did give me everything. Helped me on my feet and I embarrassed her publicly in front of all her family and friends and told her I wasn't ready to marry.

And am I using Jesika? Why did my feelings resurfaced when I assumed she had move on to another such as Daryl. Why did it take that for me to realize that I wanted her back? Am I really an opportunist when it comes to love? Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.

**Jesika's Point Of View**

I parked my car in the driveway and went inside. I took a hot bubble bath and curled up into my king bed and stared up at the ceiling with the lights off. I can't stop thinking about Michael. I've called him all night and he hasn't returned my calls. Or responded to any of my text messages. I tried calling my mom but she has been sending me to voicemail all night. I tossed and turned trying to think of something else but I can't. I can't get it out of my head.

** The Next Morning **

I called Michael again and he still didn't call back. Why is he ignoring me? This is stupid. This really is. Why can't he just talk to me? Whatever I'm going to work and won't call him again.

I rushed myself to my vehicle. I didn't realize I was so behind time because I had been calling him so much. I began driving and started to feel some sort of a regret. I shouldn't have taken him back. I should've made him wait a little longer. I am a very communicative person. He never really was that type. He isn't even man enough to pick up his damn phone and tell me how horrible of a girlfriend I was last night.

I was speeding on the freeway faster than normal. The last thing I need is to hear Annette bitching about me coming in late. I finally reached the exit ramp and pressed my feet on the brake pedal but it wouldn't work. I gasped and my body shook in an instant. I tried it over and over and over again. I began pleading and praying at the same time. I was soon meeting a busy road that was filled with traffic. I could see the cars rushing towards me I screamed and cut my wheel to the left without thinking.

A car collided to mines. The impact was strong that my vehicle spun to the opposite side of traffic causing a pile up on the busy road. I tried to get away but it was too late I looked to my left. I sat stunned as a pick up truck headed my way. I closed my eyes and screamed. Everything went black.

**to be continued**

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