"pauline" pt. 2

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*Michaels Point Of View*

12:23 AM


I groaned in my sleep, while throwing my head to the side.

"Come on Michael wake up."
A soft voice said.

I woke up and it was broad daylight.  I blocked the sunlight with my hand. I saw myself surrounded in a field with sunlight and birds chirping.

There were nothing but white daisies in the field.

I heard a soft chuckle. I looked around me and saw Pauline at the foot of the bed. She was smiling big. Her hair was down and she was dressed in all white. Her blue eyes pierced beautifully in the sunlight.

The wind began to blow and her hair blew in her face. Tears came streaming down my face. She bit her lip and crawled towards me. She chuckled and pressed her lips against mines.

"Stop crying. Be happy I'm free."

She whispered.

"Pauline I want you back. We need you. I need you."

She sighed and pressed her head towards mines and rested her  hands on my bare chest.

"I'll always be in your heart."

I sobbed hardly and she held me tightly.

"I love you."

She whispered.

"I love you too."

"Please be strong for me. I need you to be strong."

"I'll try."

She pulled away and smiled at me.

I sniffled and forced a smile.

It was so breezy. My curls got in my face. She chuckled and pulled my curls from my face.

Everything soon went dark.

"Michael I-I love you. Mike Jr. I love you too."

"Ohh gosh no no no"


I gasped and woke up in sweat. I panted hardly and wiped my wet face. I jumped out of bed and backed my body against the wall and tried to control my breathing.

This is the millionth night I have woke up like this. My dreams turn out good and then bad every night. I never get any sleep. I get panic attacks repeatedly.

After 10 minutes I was finally able to control my breathing. I went down in the kitchen to make me a glass of water.

I took a sip and bursted into tears.
Never in a million years would I think I would ever go through something like this.

Not ever. I sobbed harder and fell to my knees and cried out for her. I'm so upset that I could do nothing to save her.

I was such a pussy. I didn't do anything to try and prevent it.

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